Tuesday 08/23/2011 6:35:16pm

Name: Ethan Michael Crane

E-Mail: asmda777@hotmail.com

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL:

Referred By: Friend

Location: American Midwest

Comments: I suppose it's over, isn't it? Why, I remember when...

Sunday 06/20/1999 7:25:20pm

Name: AJFF

E-Mail: ajffhomepage@hotmail.com

Homepage Title: The last place you would look on the Internet

Homepage URL: http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/ellerburn/272/lastplace

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: FortuneCity

Comments: Hi! We just found your guestbook to sign. Please stop by and visit our homepage.

Tuesday 03/23/1999 1:29:20am

This is a private entry.

If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry.

Saturday 03/20/1999 6:00:52pm

Name: salior moon

E-Mail: not important

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL: http://

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: moon kingdom

Comments: i love salior moon. why don't you just leave this ice salior moon thing alone you freaks!! you are mean and horible people if you don't like salior moon. it is the best show there is!! you people have no lives and there are lots of better things to do than to figure out how to destroy salior moon. So in the name of the moon, if you don't shut-up, I'll punish you!!!

Friday 03/19/1999 5:35:58pm

Name: ehh...

E-Mail: ehh....

Homepage Title: ehh...

Homepage URL: http://ehh...

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: ehh...

Comments: mew mew mew mew mew mew mew mew
hello! bolony is evil! Jakie hurt my horse!!

Thursday 03/18/1999 3:25:36pm

Name: Scout Killer

E-Mail: not saying

Homepage Title: not saying

Homepage URL: http://not_telling_you.com

Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Location: not saying

Comments: I used to like Sailor Moon. Then Serena kept on getting more and more annoying, and the show became gayer and gayer. Now I hate it!!!!!! Sailor Moon sucks!!!!!!!!!! DIE, MOONIES, DIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 03/18/1999 1:47:16pm

Name: Rei Heino

E-Mail: ReiHeino@yahoo.com

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL: http://

Referred By: Just Surfed On In



Monday 03/15/1999 7:17:27pm

Name: Moonie

E-Mail: Not tellin'

Homepage Title:

Homepage URL: http://

Referred By: AngelFire


Comments: You guys suck! you think we're so bad well look in the mirror, oh wait that cracked when you first looked into the room. Like you guys even realize what your going against. I hope you all burn in HELL.

Sunday 03/14/1999 9:07:48pm

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If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry.

Sunday 03/14/1999 5:06:20am

Name: robert


Homepage Title:

Homepage URL: http://

Referred By: Geocities

Location: us of a

Comments: I used to be a "moonie" and taped many episodes but thankfully I've gotten over it. When I saw your link to the site with the pre-written petitions, I was sickened by the utter worship of a cartoon character.You've got yourself a new member to "ISM".
Thank You.

Friday 03/12/1999 4:06:13pm Name: ANNOUMOUS E-Mail: jenny@gurl.coms Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: sailor moon town Comments: this is a sick twisted joke~ and yes i was very distrubed by you little how to know if there obbsessed~ it was all a sick joke~ and you think WE need a life~ you are the ones that have the time to put all the LOYAL sailor moon fans down and TRY to figgure out if were obbsessed~ and just wait~ i am part of 3-5 sos groups and wait till they here about this~

Friday 03/12/1999 1:31:21pm Name: Tom Green E-Mail: Mib521221@aol.com Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: New York Comments: I've signed the guestbook. I HATE THE SOS.I LIKE THE SOL.

Thursday 03/11/1999 2:25:49pm Name: Warmech E-Mail: Warmech86@hotmail.com Homepage Title: of your concern Homepage URL: http://these are not Referred By: AngelFire Location: The Iron Fist Comments: I am warmech, high praetor of the inner circle of nine for the Iron Fist. I represent conflict. Soon, we will rise to crush the globe. no one can stop us. there are thousands of us. we will prevail. --Warmech

Sunday 03/07/1999 7:18:13am Name: Sailor Mercury E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Why should I tell you?! Comments: SOS will get 200 epsoides and the Movies! So shut your hole about ISM!

Thursday 03/04/1999 10:19:09pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry.

Wednesday 03/03/1999 1:38:03pm Name: Mako-chan E-Mail: mebutterfree@juno.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Seattle Comments: No. 1 this is a stupid anti-sailor moon website. The images are good, but besides that it sucks. Ig you want a good, rational anti sailor moon website go to Toad's. No. 2 DUH Sailor moon is anime! It is animation made in Japan. No. 3 this is a sucky guestbook because everything is private and you can't see any of the entries! No. 4, I would have cable but there is very little anime on it and my parents don't want to get it and I'd rather use the Internet anyway. -Mako-chan

Tuesday 03/02/1999 9:24:54pm Name: Goku E-Mail: yusuke40@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Hi hi hi. Well, all I can say is this. I may get flamed or e-mail bombed for having the guts not to put this into a private message, but Sailor Moon is stupid and doesn't deserve to be called anime because of the reasons mentioned in the page. All you Moonies who think you are so much better than us just because you like Sailor Moon and we don't and are trying to tell us to shut up and get a life need to take your own advice because you're just a bunch of thick-headed morons for trying to make us like something we hate. To all the Anti-antis: If you don't like what the NSE or the ISM do then don't try and flame or lame them. All it does is make you look like a bunch of hypocrites and it actually helps them by bringing up their ratings and giving them something to laugh at. That's all I have to say about that. Goku

Saturday 02/27/1999 12:43:58am Name: Kingpin E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Sun Comments: Death

Friday 02/26/1999 1:01:58pm Name: sailor moon E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: you r retarded sailor moon is the best show in the world and this page is gonna be full of it just like you now sailor moon makes little kids laugh cause she is so funny it is worth every second that it is on the air and if you think that that u can stop it well your mistaken sir/ma'am cause im not gonna watch while ideiots like you ruin someones life now ive had an sos (save our scouts)petition 2 keep it on the air so e-mail me at brat.tag@Juno.com

Wednesday 02/24/1999 6:49:31pm Name: Josh gregory E-Mail: brimstone_dragon@hotmail.com Homepage Title: ISM is the one thing that stops world peace Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/station/3028/scifigames.html Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Oracle Arizona Comments: I am a anime lover, i think that this site is the worst to come around since the anti-abstinence campaign. May you live short and perspire bastard children. _=_ANiMe-MaN_=_

Tuesday 02/23/1999 3:31:54pm Name: Lacey E-Mail: queenserenity@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://http Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: OK, I know that you evidently *hate* sailormoon. Thats fine w/ me. But, when people diss. people for liking a cartoon I think thats a little *weird*. So you don't want to watch it. Thats kewl, but when u put up a site and diss people for liking a show I think thats flat out wrong. I do like Sailor Moon, but I don't like everything. So, I know how u feel. The only diffrence is I don't diss people who like it. I also don't try to terminate the show and/or group. Let people w/ like Sailor moon watch it. Why do u care if its on the air or not? You shouldn't even be watching it. No offence, but I think its a little immautre of you to do this *Ice Sailor Moon* I shouldn't be even wasting my time on this. You'll probably just trash it. Anyway, if you could take a little time and tell me why u hate it so much? U probably are going to ask me why I'm at a anti-sailormoon site. Well, people who spend so much time with hate for a little cartoon must be a little bit weird. I'm sorry if I dissed you. Your site is nicley layed out. If only you could spend so much time on what you did enjoy. I'd tell you it would be awsome! Ja ne, Lacey

Tuesday 02/23/1999 2:51:35pm Name: mantha E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Comments: get a life!

Tuesday 02/23/1999 3:23:00am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry.

Sunday 02/21/1999 7:59:34pm Name: Animaniac E-Mail: ravens22@mailexcite.com Homepage Title: Anime Universe Homepage URL: http://travel.to/animeuniverse Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Maryland Comments: I like all Anime titles. Including Sailor moon. I WAS VERY supportive of SOS and wanted and still do wan't the 200 episodes and movies as long as they come from Japan. But I started comming to these sites not because I "hate" SM but I wan't to keep it and ALL Anime away from Disney. Disney will turn it into a little baby's show and I heard they were going to contaminate Dragon Ball Z as well. I read what you said about the Sailor Moon Movie (Disney Made) that it wasn't going to happen. But I heard that it IS going to be made. Infact they are trying to get Melissa Joan Heart to play Serena and that is just plane stupid. So I wan't to try to stop it before Disney ruins a perfectly good thing. I mean whats next? a Disney DBZ movie? a Disney Ranma 1/2 or Evangeleon show. I reallty don't wan't that to happen. well. if your reading this far then I know you didn't delete this yet so thanks for listening to what I had to say anyways. Here is a suggestion why don't you just turn all your hate over to Disney overtaking Anime although I know you wont Saturday 02/20/1999 5:19:08pm Name: Sailor Angel Moon E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Moon Comments: What did Sailor Moon ever do to you? You don't have to put it off the air, just stop watching it---DUH!! did that ever occour to your simple and easily confused mind! Hello!!! Knowbody is MAKING you watch it. When you see a show you don't like, just change the channel! Duh! Saturday 02/20/1999 4:32:37pm Name: Amy Littrell E-Mail: FricksHuny@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: United States Comments: In the name of the Moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil webpage builders who trash Sailor Moon........and that means YOU!!!!!!!!!! Tuesday 02/16/1999 5:29:02pm Name: Pinhead E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Net Search Location: hell Comments: IM YOUR ONLY GOD. I COMMAND YOU, STUPID AMERICANS TO BUILD ME THE BIGGEST TEMPLE ON EARTH. YOU RE WELLCOME. Sunday 02/14/1999 7:24:45pm Name: Tammy E-Mail: icy_koo@yahoo.com Homepage Title: ice's sailor page Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/8269/ Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Georgia Comments: DONT GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO DIS SAILOR MOON SOME PEOPLE WANT TO ENJOY THERE LIFES INSTEAD OF SEEING ALL THE BAD THINGS IN IT. Sunday 02/14/1999 6:31:23pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Saturday 02/13/1999 12:34:37am Name: Serina E-Mail: Mailbox@serina'shouse Homepage Title: SALIOR MOON RULES Homepage URL: http://salior moon rules.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: CAlifornia Comments: I would just like to say I am descraced on how you view salior moon. I am a big fan!!! You are probably wondering why I am here I just like to see how scum like you like to dis Salior Moon I like to tell you I found out that there are over 1,000,000 Salior moon fans in America. You better stop dissing Salior Moon.What did she do to you????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Saturday 02/13/1999 12:31:44am Name: Serina E-Mail: Mailbox@serina'shouse Homepage Title: SALIOR MOON RULES Homepage URL: http://salior moon rules.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: CAlifornia Comments: I would just like to say I am descraced on how you view salior moon. I am a big fan!!! You are probably wondering why I am here I just like to see how scum like you like to dis Salior Moon I like to tell you I found out that there are over 1,000,000 Salior moon fans in America. You better stop dissing Salior Moon.What did she do to you????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Friday 02/12/1999 10:02:56pm Name: MysticShell E-Mail: mystic1034@mindless.com Homepage Title: MysticShell's Fabulous Web Page Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/7000 Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: the bronx Comments: I probably rate about a three on your sailor moon obsessed fan scale. I watch the show a lot and I enjoy it possibly because I just might be the "sap" my friends think I am. [I rather think I have a big heart.] Your page is kinda funny though and I would just like to say that yes it is just a tv show [I think a good one] and people shouldn't get this worked up over it. It's not even real people! I am an American who wishes they would translate some of the later seasons because I'm tired of seeing the old ones over and over. Anyway, I just wanted to express my opinon, from a moonie to an anti-moonie. Friday 02/12/1999 6:05:41pm Name: sailor heavy metal E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Mexico Comments: Ilove so much sailor moon and her tender and innocent baby dolls. You, angry americans STINK! you dont know what the hell love is. You must make a site for Pinhead or Freddy Kruegger or Jason. You love hate and blood like rabid dogs. please, destroy this site and make one for pinhead, your only god. you re wellcome. Friday 02/12/1999 5:59:34pm Name: sailor heavy metal E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Mexico Comments: Ilove so much sailor moon and her tender and innocent baby dolls. You, angry americans STINK! you dont know what the hell love is. You must make a site for Pinhead or Freddy Kruegger or Jason. You love hate and blood like rabid dogs. please, destroy this site and make one for pinhead, your only god. you re wellcome. Thursday 02/11/1999 5:21:29pm Name: Serena L. Packingham E-Mail: www.noneofyourbusiness.com Homepage Title: Rini's Sailor Moon Eternal Super Stars Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Augusta Comments: Oh Come On. Sailor Moon is not going off the air. they justneed a sponsor for Sailor Moon S.And yes, my name really is Serena. Thursday 02/04/1999 6:51:22pm Name: mann E-Mail: jaysyk@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: moon kingdom Comments: Sup!!!!!! First, how dare you have such a silly idea like anti-sailor moon? It was not the cartoon's fault, but the cartoon network's that keep putting the old episodes on air. I think the sailor moon cartoon is at least more creative than any other cartoons on air right now. What would you expect kids to see on TV prime time? Something like beavis and butthead, or south park (even though it's funny...)? get real guys. this cartoon was made for someone who has higher level of moral and ethic, and perhaps..intelligence than you are. I notice one thing though, you guys spents a lot of time watching the show.....isn't that mean you like it also? if you don't like it, just don't watch it. I don't believe anyone ties a chain around your neck and forces you to watch it. Up to further discussion? Saturday 01/30/1999 1:09:40am Name: Lexi Vu E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Australia Comments: This is free advice, get a brain transplant and while your at it, get a life. Thursday 01/28/1999 9:16:00pm Name: zuodi E-Mail: none Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: From a Friend Location: union city Comments: this site is so da bomb {NOT!}. Thursday 01/28/1999 9:08:38pm Name: sailor sun E-Mail: none Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: Yahoo! Location: san francisco Comments: this site sucks Thursday 01/28/1999 9:08:28pm Name: melanie E-Mail: none Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: oakland Comments: this site is so cool Wednesday 01/20/1999 3:28:41pm Name: Skyblade E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: FOR GOODNESS SAKE, IT'S JUST A TV SHOW! That was my comment to fanatics that send this site flaming e-mail, and those who sign things with an equivalent to DIE SAILOR MOON, DIE. In hopes that I won't recieve flaming e-mail myself, I am trusting the basic goodness of humanity to allow me to post my EM addie. I am a Sailor Moon freak, one who is so obsessed with the show that she has ordered subtitled episodes from Japan. However, Sailor Moon is a TV show! JUST a TV show! Why do people feel so loyal to it, almost like it defines their existance? Why do people feel threatened by it? If you don't like it, change the bloody channel! It's only there to entertain people. Besides, everyone has the right to their own opinion, pro-SM or anti-SM. On second thought, I won't post my EM addie. Saturday 01/16/1999 9:54:14pm Name: pissed off E-Mail: **********@********.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: if you guys hate sailor moon you are a bunch of fucking idiot's it's one of the few cartoons out now-a-days that even has a plot. so if your going to go up agianst a cartoon picsomthing that has fucked up graphics and no fucking plot. you stupid asses like jumungie or justic league were there is no plot and FUCKED up graphics Saturday 01/16/1999 10:51:23am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Thursday 01/14/1999 9:43:30am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Saturday 01/09/1999 6:27:50pm Name: Mako E-Mail: makostier@geocities.com Homepage Title: Cool Page! Homepage URL: http://members.icq.com/23326976 Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Michigan Comments: Check out this page! http://members.icq.com/23326976 Friday 01/08/1999 10:24:13pm Name: Chris E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: FUCK YOU, SAILOR MOON KICKS ASS, ISM IS FOR COCK KNOCKERS, YOU SMELL LIKE BEAT OFF, ALL ISM MEMBERS ARE ANIME POSERS, AND ONE FINAL THOUGH...SUCK IT BITCH! Friday 01/08/1999 8:30:56pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Thursday 01/07/1999 7:34:00am Name: Tara E-Mail: yipeeyaki@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Myrtle Beach, SC Comments: I'd like to say I think it's hilarious the nmber of private messages on this page. I love Sailor Moon, but I think this page is hilarious. I think SM fans should be more openminded and be able to laugh at themselves for their "obsession." I love this page! Wednesday 01/06/1999 8:15:10pm Name: Diehard DBZ fan E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Screw SM! Dragon Ball Z is the anime of animes! Sunday 01/03/1999 5:28:40pm Name: Kevin THompson E-Mail: peaches@ismi.net Homepage Title: netscape Netcenter Homepage URL: http://home.netscape.com Referred By: Yahoo! Location: MI Comments: Nice Site. "Nice" Comments. Sunday 01/03/1999 3:45:29pm Name: Michelle E-Mail: Saturn5631@aol.com Homepage Title: Voices Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/saturn5631/web.html Referred By: From a Friend Location: USA Comments: Is it just me or has it been awhile since this page has been updated? Can Sailor moon fans consider this "club" dead? Sunday 01/03/1999 0:06:29am Name: Ami_Chan E-Mail: ami_chan16@hotmail.com Homepage Title: PrettySoldierSailorMoon Roks! Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: The Moon Comments: Hmm...you so you may get 90 some hits per day....do you think you have more people wishing to end the series? If you have not seen the entire series and the movie's then your missing out on some good stuff. The japanese series is way better. And I believe they should dubb the movies..if they have, Apollo Smile do the voice of SailorMoon, Tiffany Grant do the voice of SailorMercury ( or SailorMars )Izzy to do Jupiter's voice and for luna I think Juliet ( Voice actress of Belldandy ). Tuxedo Mask could be...Scott Simpson. Sailor ChibiMoon could be Pamala Wender ( Skuld 's voice actress )Anyways. The SailorMoon series will live on forever. And more and more little kids are get'n into the series. You cant have it ended until it is finished..and I personally think..Disney should release it...and have it for 10 and up. I am 18 years old sir/ma'm...I have been into the series since it was first released. I have read up on it...( by buying imported magazines! ) I'm a 100% Moonie! I pray..one day...we will have an anime channel that shows anime 24/7 with even the cool japanese commerical's showing all the cool stuff you can get from that series. I cant say I hate you for not likeing the show because I dont. Although I get alittle steamed. But not like hate or anything. I bet you got some immature responses in your guest book? On behalf of those that did leave rude messages ( if any ) and if mine seems rude, " Sorry ". But jus a few word's before I finish it up, " SailorMoon Forever! " Saturday 01/02/1999 10:36:25pm Name: Anti Anti sailor moon man E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Waco Texas Comments: This page sucks it is stupid and I want it remooved now or I will take actions to make sure it is mooved Friday 01/01/1999 10:41:50pm Name: princess E-Mail: go srew yourself Homepage Title: fuck you Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: you better take this fucken stupid ass page off the internet bitch!!!! Friday 01/01/1999 10:40:30pm Name: YoUr mAMa'S UGlY Ass!!! E-Mail: wHY sHOuLd i FuCkEn tEll u Homepage Title: PreTTy SoLdIieR Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: mY MotHeR Comments: yOuR a FucKen DuMbAsS mOtHerFucKer And tHis PaGe STINKSSSS!! i DoN't gIvE a FUCK wHat u sAy AboUt SAILORMOON BUt I sTiLl WaNt tO gIVe mY oPiNioN aBoUt U aNd ThIs SREWED UP pAge!!! BIOTCH!!!!!BITCH!!!!! Friday 01/01/1999 10:39:00pm Name: YoUr mAMa'S UGlY Ass!!! E-Mail: wHY sHOuLd i FuCkEn tEll u Homepage Title: PreTTy SoLdIieR Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: mY MotHeR Comments: yOuR a FucKen DuMbAsS mOtHerFucKer And tHis PaGe STINKSSSS!! i DoN't gIvE a FUCK wHat u sAy AboUt SAILORMOON BUt I sTiLl WaNt tO gIVe mY oPiNioN aBoUt U aNd ThIs SREWED UP pAge!!! BIOTCH!!!!!BITCH!!!!! Friday 01/01/1999 10:32:29pm Name: YoUr mAMa's UgLy AsS!!! E-Mail: WhY ShOuLd i fUcKeN TeLL U Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: mY MoThEr!!! Comments: Who Eva mAdE ThIs WeBPaGe Is A fUcKen DUmb mUtHafUcKeR And i dOn't Give a fUck WHaT U tHiNk abOuT SAILORMOON bUt I jUst Have To Give mY oPiNioN aBoUt ThIs StuPidAsS Page. Friday 01/01/1999 1:42:18pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Thursday 12/31/1998 7:36:59pm Name: . E-Mail: . Homepage Title: . Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: . Comments: YOU ALL ARE STUPID. IF YOU HAVE THE TIME TO MAKE A BIG ANTI SAILOR MOON PAGE, YOU HAVE NO LIFE. WHY DON'T YOU MAKE A WEBPAGE ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DO LIKE?! DON'T BASH SOMETHING THAT IS COOL. I THINK YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF LOSERS. SAILOR MOON KICKS. GO MAKE A BARBIE WEBPAGE OR SOMETHING. WE SAILOR MOON LOVERS OUT NUMBER YOU SICK &%$#@. SO WATCH OUT!SAILOR MOON ROCKS! Thursday 12/31/1998 1:45:38pm Name: Sailor Death E-Mail: : p Homepage Title: I have a web site, but not like I giving the ULR out to some ass holes!! Homepage URL: http://:P Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: FROM EATH, un like SOME PEOPLE here say! Comments: U FUCKING ASS HOLE! Ican't beleive u CAN BE SOO INSALTING!! JUST BEACUZ U HATE SOMETHING DOSEN MEAN U HAVE TO SAY PEOPLE THAT DO LIKE THE SHOW R STUPID AND DON'T HAVE A LIFE!! I THINK YOUR THE ONE WITH OUT A LIFE!! aND YOUR ALSO BEING BABYISH, I MEAN, ANTI-PAGE R JUST THAT AND MORE!!!! SO, U LITTLE FUCKER! U BETTER GET A LIFE OR I'LL KILL U PERSONAL!!! AND I CAN GET YOUR ADDRESS, AND WERE U LIVE! U THINK I CAN'T! FINE, YOU'LL JUST WEAK UP WITH YOUR HEAD CUT OFF ONE DAY Thursday 12/31/1998 8:10:14am Name: DarkHeart E-Mail: n_chris@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: can u email me the URL for the chat room you are in and the name you use. you didn't list a URL for the FML did not list a link for a URL. I do not know where that page is Thursday 12/31/1998 8:02:29am Name: DarkHeart E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: what's with all the private entries Tuesday 12/29/1998 9:04:29pm Name: GKFDJGKLGF E-Mail: FJHAKFASKFFHK Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Comments: THIS IS THE WORST SITE IVE EVER SEEN U PATHETIC LOSERS HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN SIT AROUND AND THINK HOW MUCH U WISH U WERE AS POPULAR AND COOL AS SAILOR MOON. WE ARE PERSONAL SPIES FROM SOS AND WERE HERE TO REPORT EVERYTHING WEVE CHECKED YOU OUT YOU ARE DISGUSTING. IN THE NAME OF THE MOON WE WILL RUIN YOUR LIVES . CHOW THE SAILOR SCOUTS Tuesday 12/29/1998 2:13:31pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Monday 12/28/1998 3:24:10am Name: Anarchy E-Mail: Shadows_Inc@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: fuck if I know Comments: Funny, funny, shit! I have a friend who is just like the Fan #3 on your list. This is great, I watched three episodes of it and thought it was the most worthless waste of air-time since Barney and Friends. Keep up the good work and gods bless you man! I might want to join your little organazation later on, if that's cool with you guys. Saturday 12/26/1998 7:54:32pm Name: unavailable E-Mail: Homepage Title: I have one but I'm not giving it out Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: around Comments: I'm not giving any info about me because I'm afraid of the Moonies. They've gone too far! Death Threats? Over a Television Show? I do watch Sailor Moon, but I'm not obsessed over it. (I have a life beyond The show) I just wanted to say I found your page humorious and I respect you for doing what your doing. Friday 12/25/1998 6:45:34pm Name: Rachael Moore E-Mail: alyanawhitemage@hotmail.com Homepage Title: NA Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Tallahassee, Florida Comments: Why is it, that when people don't like things, they feel the need to destroy them? I look at this page and I want to cry. I like Sailor Moon, yes, but there are many other things I like as well, and this makes me afraid that someone is going to try and destroy them all. So what if sometimes the plot is a little unbelievable? So what if their powers are unrealistic? If everything was realistic, there would be no magic left in life. Suspension of Disbelief--try it. I adore fantasy, anime, and old legends about wizards and knights. These things are not mind numbing, they are meant to make people happy. This does not make them shallow, it gives them the opportunity to present things in a symbolic form. I find fantastical stories the most beautiful form of art that exists, and if someone took my stories away, I would no longer want to live. Melodramatic? Yeah, but what I mean is that they give me hope. The magic in them, the inspiration that created them, sustains me. Are you one of those people who would like to explain every natural phenomenon? Would you like to know each of the Earth's mysteries? You probably don't like to read SciFi or Fantasy novels, maybe not even books at all. If you saw what I see when I watch Sailor Moon, you would not seek to destroy it, but preserve it. I am trying to not contradict your opinion, merely your view, I don't want to say you're wrong, that's your department. Did you have a horrible childhood? Was it taken away too soon? Did you never dream as a child that you were invincible? That is Sailor Moon. Did you ever pretend that you could speak to stuffed animal, and that they would talk back? That is Sailor Moon. You do not have to like it, only endure its existance, for you are not a god. You do not have the right to tell others they are wrong, and neither do I. I'm sorry if I seem to have done just that, I did not mean to. When I see Sailor Moon, I do not find the characters shallow, we merely see things differently. I do not fault scientists for expanations, I just don't want to hear them and ruin the magic in the world. When I see Sailor Moon, I see a young girl, forced into a life she never wanted, with responsibilities she'd never contemplated, try to come to terms with knowing of her former life and these impositions on her current one. She grows and matures into someone who is not afraid to face challenges, to face evil and try to overcome them--even though she knows that the probability is high that she will not survive. Is that so different, as an analogy, than you? If you don't see that, don't fault the show, don't fault the fans, just accept that you see things differently and go on with your life. It is obvious that you would hear these things all the time, and not give a **** about them. I had to tell you how I felt, so you would know my mind, and on the chance that you might understand. By the way, you have an error on your page: Chibi Usa is not Sailor Mercury, she is Reene, Sailor Moon's daugter. The name comes from "Usagi," Serena's Japanese name. "Chibi" means little, so it is like a nickname. Little Serena, though that's not how it translates. Friday 12/25/1998 1:24:53pm Name: mikela E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: sorry, my bad. your page does have humor. i may be a "moonie" as you would put it, but i'm not as blind as a bat. i know that sailor moon has bad animation, huge eyes, bad voices, triangle noses, terrible ways of showing emotions (do u know anyone who has sweat marks half the size of their face and when they get mad, different colored triangles come out of their heads?)but u gotta admit, the plot is very original and in my opinion, cool.well, keep up the good work! :) Merry Christmas! (for the secound time) oh, and Happy Hanukah(i think that's how you spell it) Friday 12/25/1998 1:09:30pm Name: Mikela E-Mail: SailorMoon01@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: i understand that u don't like sailor moon and you're intitled to that opinion but just becuase you don't like it doesn't mean that you have to diss people who do. and whats up with trying to take it off the air? if u don't like the show, then just don't watch it. it's as simple as that. no offense but this is one of the worst Anti-SailorMoon site on the web. at least the other ones diss the show and not the people who watch it. they also include humor which would really help your page. what if a group of my friends and i didn't like the show Dawson's Creek?(ironically, i don't) does that mean because a handful(maybe more) of people don't like it, it goes off the air? nope. the people who don't like it, JUST DON'T WATCH IT. and your opinion goes both ways. your saying that people r really obsessed with a tv show, shall we call it, fanatical obsession? u would be considered a fanatical SailorMoon hater. don't get me wrong, u could have 20,000 anti-sailormoon sites and i wouldn't give a damn but wasting your time trying to take a show off the air is just fanatical. personally, i think that you are the ones that should get a life. fanatical moonies should too. i doubt that anyone will read this but i'm bored. Merry Christmas! later!:) Thursday 12/24/1998 4:11:20pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Thursday 12/24/1998 4:07:01pm Name: Celia E-Mail: Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: from Pluto's time portal Comments: I am UNapproved!!!!!!!! yay!!!!! Please update your page more often. and email me back. from a Sailor moon fan Thursday 12/24/1998 4:05:12pm Name: Sailor Charon E-Mail: Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: From the Moon Kingdom Comments: you need to act more proffessional. I personally think your page is made cause of stupidity. Sailor Moon rules.!! Sos rules too!!! and you peeps suck. you smell like the back of your hand. which is bad!!!!!!!! I am between number 4 and 5 on your scale. Remember 4 (Jupiters symbol) rule!!!!!!!! Monday 12/21/1998 10:01:29pm Name: Novus Mors E-Mail: novusmors@juno.com Homepage Title: Vermin World Home Page Homepage URL: http://verminworld.8m.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: CA Comments: What's with all the Private Guestbook messages? Why don't you let everybody hear you retards tirade. Sunday 12/20/1998 9:29:40pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 12/20/1998 1:45:41pm Name: Sailor Moon E-Mail: astrovoyager@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Crystal Tokyo Comments: In the name of the moon I will punish you! you're going down. I'll be watching you negatrash. Saturday 12/19/1998 2:15:26pm Name: girl E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: You were saying you don't think there will be a Sailor Moon Movie? well I hate to burst your bubble bub. but in Japan, there are already 4 and 17 new episodes already came out. Friday 12/18/1998 6:14:51pm Name: The Sailor Scout who will kick your ass!! E-Mail: guess if you want Homepage Title: n/a Homepage URL: http://n/a Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: The Moon Kingdom Comments: Goody for you!!(LOTS of sarcasm) You wanna ice Sailor Moon? Well, aren't you special? I think you should give up. No matter what, nobody on either side is giving up. That's why you should. So you're not actually defeated. You're wasting page space doing this and I think you should know that. It's obvious that some of you anti people watch Sailor Moon because some of you know the charecters, plots, personalities and song lyrics. Any of you who know any of these shouldn't have them on your page if you're trying to tell people to ice Sailor Moon. By the way, you need to get a hobby or something because you-all have too much spare time and you need to get a better campaign. I hope the planets of the Silver Millennium take pity on you. Friday 12/18/1998 2:44:58pm Name: Ash E-Mail: silvermilleniumsailor@yahoo.com Homepage Title: SailorMercurys Sailor Senshi Shrine Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/stankyle13/page/main.htm Referred By: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement Location: howell Comments: you people are so stupid!sailor moon has got to be the best show on tv.you people are so mean.so many people love sailor moon just like me.i don't care if you send me mean letters.you people ,i am going to kick your a$$ Friday 12/18/1998 12:56:26am Name: THE ONE N ONLY SAILOR CHAOS! E-Mail: f*ck off Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: i dunno, the cauldrin of good n evil? Comments: go play on the railroad tracks u morons! Friday 12/18/1998 6:00:09am Name: Princess Zoisite E-Mail: grimms@shawnee.noacsc.org Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://not working Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Ohio Comments: I'd just like to say if there was no Sailor Moon what would you do with your time that you spend making this site? On your obsessed list I'd fall under the Regular Watcher^_^ SM Forever^_^ Wednesday 12/16/1998 11:57:50am Name: Sailor Jupiter is da bomb E-Mail: I don't THINK so! Homepage Title: SAILOR MOON ROCKS Homepage URL: http://nooooo Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: SAILOR MOON Comments: I think that Sailor Moon is the MOST_AWESOME thing in the world and you have no clue what you're talking about!! I have a life thank_you_very_much and still love the show to death!! Tsuki ni kawatte oshioki yo!! Tuesday 12/15/1998 7:19:14pm Name: moonie E-Mail: let's just say I'm a fan Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: america Comments: You all are egotistical maniacs and there are only three anti sailor moon websites, and over a thousand sites for pro sailor moon and turns out that they are airing the seventeen episodes and are finishing somwhere around the year 2000 and there are over 200 episodes and movies will be aired next year. So I would just give up with your stupid campaigh because good always conquers evil. And on a final note:bandai is restarting their sailor moon toys.and kiss my *** Tuesday 12/15/1998 7:18:53pm Name: moonie E-Mail: none of your god dang business Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: america Comments: You all are egotistical maniacs and there are only three anti sailor moon websites, and over a thousand sites for pro sailor moon and turns out that they are airing the seventeen episodes and are finishing somwhere around the year 2000 and there are over 200 episodes and movies will be aired next year. So I would just give up with your stupid campaigh because good always conquers evil. And on a final note:bandai is restarting their sailor moon toys.and kiss my *** Monday 12/14/1998 6:29:41am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Saturday 12/12/1998 10:20:24pm Name: Sally P E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: New York Comments: I'd like to know what shows you consider good??? Sailor Moon is a great show for all ages. You are completely bonkers!!!! Saturday 12/12/1998 4:24:06pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Saturday 12/12/1998 4:23:17pm Name: Wing Zero E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Boston Comments: Hey man if you don't like SailorMoon than YOU DON'T LIKE ANIME!! Ever thought about that before?? ANIME RULES SO DO SAILOR MOON!! Hey wait a minute you MADE A SAILOR MOON PAGE...THAT MEANS YOU ADORE SAILORMOON Saturday 12/12/1998 12:07:06am Name: screwyou E-Mail: screwyou2 Homepage Title: SAILOR MOON RULES NOW AND FOREVER Homepage URL: http://screwyouagain.com/ Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: CRYSTAL TOKYO Comments: SCREW YOU ASS HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAILOR MOON, SOS, AND I WILL KICK YOUR SCRAWNY LITTLE ASS. SAILOR MOON IS HERE TO STAY. SAILOR MOON RULES NOW AND FOREVER. SO GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS AND SHUT THE HELL UP. YOU WONDER WHEN WE'RE GOING TO STOP. NNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOUR SO DUMB YOU CAN'T READ THAT. IT SAYS NEVER! NEVER YOURS (TRUELY), SOS MEMBERS, SERENA, AMY, REI, LITA, MINA Friday 12/11/1998 11:50:52pm Name: Go Sailor Moon, Knock all those ISM people on their butts! E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Sailor Moon rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the name of the moon I will punish YOU! Friday 12/11/1998 11:46:09pm Name: Sailor Mars E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Crystal tokyo Comments: Sailor Mars RULES! All you anti-sailor moon people whats wrong with you? Gosh, if you don't like sailor moon so what? Its your opinion so keep it to yourself. Don't go around saying that it sucks cause it doesn't. Sailor Mars Rules! Friday 12/11/1998 12:29:41am Name: y E-Mail: y Homepage Title: y Homepage URL: http://y Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: y Comments: y Friday 12/11/1998 10:49:40am Name: Luke E-Mail: lukemarkdaniel@yada-yada.com Homepage Title: Operation ASSET Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/mi/operationasset Referred By: AngelFire Location: Houston Comments: Put my site on the ISM ring of power! DOWN WITH SAILR MOON!!!!! Thursday 12/10/1998 6:00:10pm Name: kristin E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: oklahoma Comments: Sailor moon is a cartoon. It's not supposed to make sense. Have you ever watched The Animaniacts? You don't need to make fun of SM or try to get it off the air. If you don't like the show, too bad, But some people do like it and your ruining it for them if you take it away. No ones making you watch it, so why do you care? I bet there's some shows thet you like thet I don't, but I'm not trying to get rid of them. Also, if you have nothing better to do than make a web page of things you hate, then I fell really sorry for you. Find a hobby. And if this is your hobby, your just sad. Wednesday 12/09/1998 3:49:35pm Name: jessie and saturn E-Mail: jessie_b_69@yahoo.com or stranger_thn_you@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: tokyo, and I'm from the moon kingdom, defender of saturn, you @#$%^&* saturn! calm down!!!! Comments: jessie speaking: YOU STUPID MISGUIDED BOBINES. saturn speaking: I can tell you're a male!!! only males are so clueless and unculteured you@#$%^^&& jessie speaking: What the h@#$ do you think you are talking about if you know sooo much about the charectures saturn speaking: have YOU EVEN WATCHED ONE EPISODE?!?!?! or do you think it's "cool" to diss s#@$ you haven't even seen? so lay OFF jessie speaking: HELLo what are you peopl thinkin sailor moon rules and so does jonny quest you haven't heard the last of us saturn speaking: i have so much to say to you..... feel free to email me, if you still think sailor moon sucks, cuz youre wrong!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday 12/09/1998 3:46:40pm Name: jessie and saturn E-Mail: jessie_b_69@yahoo.com or stranger_thn_you@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: tokyo, and I'm from the moon kingdom, defender of saturn, you @#$%^&* saturn! calm down!!!! Comments: jessie speaking: YOU STUPID MISGUIDED BOBINES. saturn speaking: I can tell you're a male!!! only males are so clueless and unculteured you@#$%^^&& jessie speaking: What the h@#$ do you think you are talking about if you know sooo much about the charectures saturn speaking: have YOU EVEN WATCHED ONE EPISODE?!?!?! or do you think it's "cool" to diss s#@$ you haven't even seen? so lay OFF jessie speaking: HELLo what are you peopl thinkin sailor moon rules and so does jonny quest you haven't heard the last of us saturn speaking: i have so much to say to you..... feel free to email me, if you still think sailor moon sucks, cuz youre wrong!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday 12/09/1998 1:55:20pm Name: Sailor Black Cat E-Mail: sailorblackcat@juno.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I like Sailor Moon. But I'm not an idiot, and I wouldn't visit Anti-SM just to abuse them. If you Sailor Moon fans don't like Anti-SM pages, DON'T go there! I'm sure you hate things too and sometimes would be happy to make a page of it. Go ahead. Thank you for reading this. And yes, I do like Sailor Moon. I'm a BIG fan, in fact. Monday 12/07/1998 9:05:20pm Name: Carly E-Mail: monkeygrrl666@hotmail.com Homepage Title: The Ol' Porn Shack Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/md/Carlita69/index.html Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Baltimore,MD,USA Comments: I'm a moonie. I'm not upset at all by this page. I actually think it's great. Everyone has their own opinions, whether they choose to show them or not. Myself, I am very opinionated, and (no offense) I can tell you are too. But I feel that everyone should make an effort to express themselves, and this is just what you did. Just because I like Sailor Moon doesn't mean everyone else has to. Relating to, just because I HATE(i repeat,) HATE Marilyn Manson doesn't mean everyone else has to either. Anyway, my main point is always express yourself, no matter what. Don't be afraid to state your opinions. Keep it real. Friday 12/04/1998 11:39:52am Name: Usagi Tsukino E-Mail: Usagi3@AOL.com Homepage Title: None yet Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/1231/ Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Tokyo Comments: I'm going to be adult about this. Could you please acknowledge the people that like Sailor Moon and say that they're not insane just because they like this show and you don't? It would help with the death threats and other things like that. Thank you for your cooperation. Usagi^_^ Wednesday 12/02/1998 4:07:57pm Name: James Hussey E-Mail: Deadeye37@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Dead_eye_Jimmys Home Page Homepage URL: http://home.talkcity.com/miraclemile/Dead_eye_Jimmy Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Eureka Ca Comments: Hello my name is James but call me Deadeye37, I was bored so I decided to check out some sites to one of my most resent obsessions Sailor Moon. Before you skin me let me explain... When it comes to Anime and my likes ANYTHING GOs! I am one of those strange people who can watch any Anime show/movie and enjoy it! Previously I did this with Voltron, and now with Sailor Moon and DragonBall Z (obviously I watch far too much Toonami) Well anyways I have to record the shows... cause I don't get home in time to watch them. Sometimes I buy a bit of fanfare material like a Action figure, Lunch Box, or a 2-foot tall Voltron. I guess I'm normal right? I like your site... your images are very interesting. I have never once watched any Sailor moon episode that hasn't been aired on Cartoon Network... So I have NO IDEA what Sailor Moon Supers is. I do know one thing... Anime is beautiful Animation, and I get chills when I watch it, even if the dialouge leaves much to be desired. I admire your bravery in being so out spoken with your views... against such incredible odds. I don't like Star Trek but I don't want to be killed by a bunch of pointy eared goons. These "Moonies" as you call them sound just as Dangerous. Also I don't feel that it really matters whether or not ST goes away. It has the same zombie effect on some (example: Drooling man on ST Special Edition commercial) But hey! Whatevers fun right!! One interesting Idea would be to set up a series of different rooms bashing each series (SM, SMR, SM Supers) specifically! Also a newsletter would be really neat! I don't hate Sailor Moon or love it. A message to those who hate SM: Hateing show=fine, Building Website=fine, Becoming obssesed with hateing the show and won't be satisfied until the show is taken off the air=not so fine! You are being just as stupid as those who worship the show and want you killed... Now a message to those who LOVE the show and are extremely offended by these pages: Get a girl/boyfriend, join a club, read a book, get a life. Now a message to everyone who spends to much time thinking about Sailor Moon:People are starving, people are dieing, the politicians and corperations are taking over, and children are being beaten on the streets. There are many much better things to be upset about... other than a Television Show. The world needs you, get involved. God Bless You and Good night! Jim "Dead Eye" Hussey "The Eyes are Blind. One must look with the Heart..." -The Little Prince Wednesday 12/02/1998 3:51:02pm Name: SM FAN E-Mail: MICHAELRIGONI@YAHOO.COM Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA Comments: IF YOU GUYS DONT STOP WRITING THIS ANTI SAILOR MOON BULL SHIT THEN IN THE NAME OF THE MOON I SHAL PUNISH YOU !!!!!!!!!!!1 Wednesday 12/02/1998 0:32:20am Name: ANGERY PERSON E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: YOU CROSSED THE LINE YOU ASSHOLES Monday 11/30/1998 5:32:57pm Name: Sib E-Mail: SiberioS@Aol.com Homepage Title: Dragonball Times Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/siberios/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: Finally. A Anti Sialor Moon site that isn't against all anime. You guy's are the greatest. You guy's are fighting the good fight to get this crap off the airwaves and back where it belongs(which would be the garbage can) While Sailormoon get's more episode Cartoon Network let's Dragonball Z languish and it just plain took Robotech off(without even showing the third series, whats that)Such an insult to anime fans. Saturday 11/28/1998 1:17:42pm Name: Sabrina E-Mail: sailor_scout@mailcity.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: U.S.A. Comments: Opinion is being used by everyone these days, and sometimes it really gets to someone who doesn't think the same way. I personally like sailor moon, yet everyone has the right to their own opinion. Saturday 11/28/1998 8:19:08am Name: Sailor Moon is God E-Mail: Homepage Title: MIE Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Dayton Ohio Comments: YOU SUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK You big Fuck, I'm showing you the finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday 11/26/1998 8:23:30pm Name: Babee Moon E-Mail: BaBeeM00N@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: california Comments: i am a sailor moon fan, and i just have to say your page sucks. it's full of useless stuff, it's full of words, it's very boring..your page deserves, from a scale of 1(sucks alot) to 10 (is the bomb), a negative 9 trillion. Sailor moon is the bomb!!!!!! she's one of the best animes every. SAILOR MOON ISH DA BOMB!!!!!!!! Thursday 11/26/1998 12:11:25am Name: Live forever sailor moon E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I hate your flamming , you have stupid reasons to hate sailor moon. Tuxedo Mask is sailor earth. In answer to one of your pages flamming him. Sailor Moon fans answer there guestbook you have a right to tell them how you feel as i did. Get a day job people . Stop flamming this is what i have to say , b***hes,fu****s Thursday 11/26/1998 12:05:15am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Tuesday 11/24/1998 7:43:49pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Monday 11/23/1998 5:27:13pm Name: SAILOR MOON FANATIC E-Mail: HOW DARE U!!!! Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Comments: HOW COULD U?!?!?!? SAILOR MOON IS THE BEST SHOW ON THIS WHOLE PLANET!!!!!!! AND AS U CAN C....PPL AGREE!!!!! SO Y DO U WANNA STOP IT?!?!?!? IF U DON'T LIKE IT....DON'T WATCH IT!!!!! DUH!!!! GOTTA THINK SUMTIMES U KNO!!!! Sunday 11/22/1998 10:57:04pm Name: Ninjaalice E-Mail: ninjaalice@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Ninjaalice's Dojo Homepage URL: http://www.ninjaalice.com Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Right around here Comments: SAILORMOON SUCKS! WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! THEY ARE THE STUPIDEST CARTOON SHOW, THERE IS NO POINT! WE NEED TO STOP THE INSANITY!! SAILORMOON MUST STOP!!!!!! Tuesday 11/17/1998 11:03:34pm Name: Kelly Ryan E-Mail: Night Kid7@aol.com Homepage Title: Kelly's Cool Page Homepage URL: http://www.nintendo.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: I am a normal US citizen who lives in Florida Comments: Sailor Mooooon, Sailor Moooon, Sailor Mooon....THEY SUCK! -bumbumbumbum- Idiocy, Retardacy, Ditzy.....SAILOR MOON! -bumbumbumbum- Neverevereverever a show as dumb as SAILOR MOON! ((repeats twice)) Thank you! I love this page! I am also a man sick of Sailor Moon. I have two friends who are more obbsessed with it then I am Final Fantasy games ((which is VERYVERYVERY obssessed)). AT LEAST FINAL FANTASY IS INTERESTING! Keep the page up. SOS sucks. ~Kelly- Monday 11/16/1998 2:53:18pm Name: CR E-Mail: corrine@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I've got two words for you :psychiatric help. You say that obsessed SM fans are extremely annoying? I was very surprised to see that some poor lonely soul with too much time on his or her hands would waste time on making this kind of page. My sympathies to your families. Sunday 11/15/1998 1:37:00pm Name: Kim Stocker E-Mail: none Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: Yahoo! Location: richmond,ky Comments: You ISM people suck!!!!!!!!! Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to rally a campaign to knock it off the air!!! Besides you don't stand a chance against all the sailor moon fans out there!!!! Friday 11/13/1998 8:29:02pm Name: Michelle E-Mail: SnwyDrgn@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: YOU GUYS ALL SUCK A FAT ONE IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN INSULT A LITTLE KIDS SHOW!!! MY KIDS AND I THINK YOU ALL SUCK AND I PERSONALLY THINK THAT YOU ARE ALL IMMATURE LITTLE BRATS WITH NO LIFE!!!MEMBER OF SOS Friday 11/13/1998 1:44:27pm Name: Lord Diamond Shadow E-Mail: schattenkrieger@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Sailor Jupiter Online Fanclub Homepage URL: http://pah, why should I tell you this? Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Germany Comments: Pah! Your page sucks and interest an absolut minority! Sailor Moon is cult in more than 20 countries in the world!! Your campain is foolish. You can't stop Sailor Moon, try it and you will see what I mean. Fools -------------------- Lord Diamond Shadow of Kallisto ------------------------ "Honor and love to Sailor Jupiter!" Thursday 11/12/1998 8:38:26pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Thursday 11/12/1998 8:35:33pm Name: Jessica E-Mail: baby_trout@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Free Sailor Moon Graphics Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ga/SMFreeGraphics/index.html Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Canada Comments: Your page sucks shit, it should be taken off of the web!!!Banner Wednesday 11/11/1998 1:41:14pm Name: Black Wind E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Silver Millinium Comments: Y o u S u c k A s s ! Saturday 11/07/1998 9:53:54am Name: Tuxedo mAssk E-Mail: fart@asswipe.net Homepage Title: Suck da big one Homepage URL: http://suckit.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Mercury Comments: I like the show. sailor moon is cool,but your site is very very very very very funny Saturday 11/07/1998 8:55:23am Name: Satan E-Mail: annymous Homepage Title: Visit Hell Homepage URL: http://Hell o 2600 miles away Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Hell Comments: I like that show and you will go to hell Friday 11/06/1998 7:53:58pm Name: James E-Mail: ??????????????????????????????? Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I am a Sailor Moon Fan and I think that this is a bunch of crap!!!!! There are too many anti Sailor Moon websites, you people making these websites should protest the things that should really be protested.(Barney,homos,etc...) Tuesday 11/03/1998 7:13:45pm Name: xina E-Mail: rachelsadog@dog.com Homepage Title: The Moon Room - nothing to do with sailor moon Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~xina_1/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Sydney Comments: I'm so glad to finally find other people who feel the same way as I do when it comes to overrated, amateur cartoon productions that are given far too much good publicity and air time such as "Sailor Moon". It has been obvious to me for many years now that the continual production of these such programs has been detrimental to the well being of many young girls through their presentation of unrealistic and warped images of young teenage girls these cartoonists create. It is not only immoral and unfair but an insult to all those who are smart enough to see through such blatant abuse of young impressionable minds. I'm glad that there are people out there like to campaining to stop it. You have my full support. Tuesday 11/03/1998 7:12:25pm Name: xina E-Mail: rachelsadog@dog.com Homepage Title: The Moon Room - nothing to do with sailor moon Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~xina_1/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Sydney Comments: I'm so glad to finally find other people who feel the same way as I do when it comes to overrated, amateur cartoon productions that are given far too much good publicity and air time such as "Sailor Moon". It has been obvious to me for many years now that the continual production of these such programs has been detrimental to the well being of many young girls through their presentation of unrealistic and warped images of young teenage girls these cartoonists create. It is not only immoral and unfair but an insult to all those who are smart enough to see through such blatant abuse of young impressionable minds. I'm glad that there are people out there like to campaining to stop it. You have my full support. Monday 11/02/1998 7:36:01pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 11/01/1998 4:23:56pm Name: xina E-Mail: rachelsadog@dog.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Xoom Location: Sydney Comments: I am so relieved to find that there are other people out there who feel the same way as I do when it comes to trashy cartoons like Sailor Moon. For nearly three years now that fact that there are people out there who enjoy a lame story line, bad graphics and an outright unfair and surreal view of young girls is still a wonder to me. How can it be so unobvious to so many young, intelligent girls that through their support of cartoons such as Sailor Moon that they are only creating the opportunity for other wacked out cartoon producers to continue their pollution of young teenage minds? Keep up the good work! Sunday 11/01/1998 7:47:32am Name: Ryan Poirier E-Mail: poirier4@auracom.com Homepage Title: Crystal Cheticamp Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~StarSaturn98 Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Cheticamp, Nova Scotia Comments: Well, although I'm a fan of Sailormoon, and although I disagree with this whole concept, I must say that I'm impressed with your courage of standing up for what you believe in. Everyone has right to their opinions, and even though I don't agree with you on this, I'm sure that I don't particular like some show that you do. However, I would like to see that you would just accept the fact that there *are* lots of people who do enjoy the show, and wouldn't like to see it cancelled because of those who don't. There's something for everyone on TV, and if one show was taken off because several people didn't like it, there would be nothing left on television at all. Thanks for your time! Saturday 10/31/1998 3:12:14pm Name: ISM Sucks E-Mail: NO Homepage Title: No Homepage URL: http://NO Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: No Comments: This page sucks. It's peoplee like you who ruin it for us kids! U SUCK!!! Friday 10/30/1998 5:54:36am Name: Wehiller Rogers E-Mail: witit@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Thailand Comments: Keep it up sir. We're on your side. Let's trow this show out of this world. I'm sick of seeing it every where in my country. Wednesday 10/28/1998 1:33:59pm Name: Sailor Jupiter E-Mail: Lita@moonkingdom.net Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Moon Kingdom Comments: Hey, so what are your evil plans for today, Negaslimes? If you tell me, I'll make sure Usagi doesn't toast you, just fry you. Tuesday 10/27/1998 3:37:45pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Tuesday 10/27/1998 3:36:59pm Name: Sarah E-Mail: SKulkofsky@mail.colgate.edu Homepage Title: Sarah's Room Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~Sairwa/home Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Ohio & NY Comments: I love Sailor Moon. But I love it becasue it sucks. It its like watching Saved By The Bell. I appreciate Sailor Moon for its stupidity and cheesiness, and definatly don't think they are positive female role models. All their powers suck (Mercury Bubbles?). They fight in short skirts and high heels. The animation is pathetic. But you know what....that's what makes it great!!!!!!! Tuesday 10/27/1998 2:31:49pm Name: Doc Ido E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: SouthDak Comments: I am against the title "Ice Sailor Moon." I do not think that she should be cryoginically frozen. Her carcass should sit and rot on the sidewalk right next to Speed Racer's. Tuesday 10/27/1998 11:17:25am Name: David E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Peru Comments: Your page is nothing but pure trash. Sailor Moon is the greatest program that has been made in the history of thw World. Tuesday 10/27/1998 6:55:01am Name: Lara E-Mail: msilbert@starwon.com.au Homepage Title: Lara Silbert Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/larasilbert/ Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: currently in Australia Comments: This site is so mean! It's difficult enough for fans of Sailor Moon to get to watch it without people like you trying to prevent it from being aired. Many people really enjoy Sailor Moon and we ought to be able to watch it - there are many shows that I dislike, but Sailor Moon is hardly violent, sexist or offensive, and I would never dream of stopping other people from enjoying an unoffensive show just because I don't like it! If you don't like a show, there's a simple way to avoid it that doesn't involve being a killjoy. Pick up your remote control and change the channel! Sunday 10/25/1998 4:52:43pm Name: Dan Sailormoonsucksass Hunter E-Mail: LaneDeb124@aol.com Homepage Title: Sailor Moon is a bitch, a Fucker and my dog's birth Mother Homepage URL: http://Sailor Slut Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Serena's bedroom Comments: The first I saw Sailor Moon. She was ass-naked. Hey Sailor Moon! My dog says thanks for last night. She is a slut because she never wears a bra. I have proof! She is a member of the masterbaster's club.I never thought that Sailor Moon would hump a dog before. I guess you like to be truned on by Sailor Moon, exspecially girls! You ready to Fuck me up! E-mail Me! Please I need to try out my new computer virus! See you in Hell! Sunday 10/25/1998 4:52:28pm Name: Dan Sailormoonsucksass Hunter E-Mail: LaneDeb124@aol.com Homepage Title: Sailor Moon is a bitch, a Fucker and my dog's birth Mother Homepage URL: http://Sailor Slut Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Serena's bedroom Comments: The first I saw Sailor Moon. She was ass-naked. Hey Sailor Moon! My dog says thanks for last night. She is a slut because she never wears a bra. I have proof! She is a member of the masterbaster's club.I never thought that Sailor Moon would hump a dog before. I guess you like to be truned on by Sailor Moon, exspecially girls! You ready to Fuck me up! E-mail Me! Please I need to try out my new computer virus! See you in Hell! Sunday 10/25/1998 4:51:46pm Name: Dan Sailormoonsucksass Hunter E-Mail: LaneDeb124@aol.com Homepage Title: Sailor Moon is a bitch, a Fucker and my dog's birth Mother Homepage URL: http://Sailor Slut Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Serena's bedroom Comments: The first I saw Sailor Moon. She was ass-naked. Hey Sailor Moon! My dog says thanks for last night. She is a slut because she never wears a bra. I have proof! She is a member of the masterbaster's club.I never thought that Sailor Moon would hump a dog before. I guess you like to be truned on by Sailor Moon, exspecially girls! You ready to Fuck me up! E-mail Me! Please I need to try out my new computer virus! See you in Hell! Sunday 10/25/1998 4:49:20pm Name: Dan Sailormoonsucksass Hunter E-Mail: LaneDeb124@aol.com Homepage Title: Sailor Moon is a bitch, a Fucker and my dog's birth Mother Homepage URL: http://Sailor Slut Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Serena's bedroom Comments: The first I saw Sailor Moon. She was ass-naked. Hey Sailor Moon! My dog says thanks for last night. She is a slut because she never wears a bra. I have proof! She is a member of the masterbaster's club.I never thought that Sailor Moon would hump a dog before. I guess you like to be truned on by Sailor Moon, exspecially girls! You ready to Fuck me up! E-mail Me! Please I need to try out my new computer virus! See you in Hell! Saturday 10/24/1998 6:09:20pm Name: Saiolr Moon Wannabe E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: The Moon Kingdom Comments: Sailor Moon rocks you stinkin' Malachite wannabes. SOS (save our sailors). Saturday 10/24/1998 5:40:46pm Name: a smart person E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: You are sick get a life. If you hate sailor moon so much don't watch the show. You really must be wierd to have to waste your time picking on a cartoon character. Saturday 10/24/1998 11:05:32am Name: I didn't know I had one?! E-Mail: JoshuaJackson@aol.com Homepage Title: Joshua Rules! Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Hawaii Comments: Cool page. Your graphics are not that offending. Even though I do watch Sailor Moon regularly, nice page. Friday 10/23/1998 10:15:31am Name: Diana E-Mail: GuardDiana@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Order of Draconis Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/9201 Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Interesting site. I dissagree with your point of view, but it is your opinion and you are entitled to it. It was unfortunate that your Sailor Moon is Unrealistic page was down. I am highly curious as to why you think Sailor Moon alone is unrealistic. I find that most Anime is unrealistic, but that's what makes it fiction. I am an Otaku, and probably will be for the rest of my life. I know that to truly enjoy any story, some times you need to suspend your disbelief. I am a fanfic author, and I know that some of my fellow writers, and I use the term loosely, feel that they can do what ever they want to a charcter. I am of the opinion that if a show keeps a good continuity, which is rare in american shows, then it deserves a chance. For a nearly complete listing of the Laws of Anime, which is a list of different laws that all anime seem to live by, go to http://www.cnu.edu/~ahake . One thing that I thought was intregueing was the fact that all of your guest book entries were private, then I noticed the 242 unapproved guests, and 8 guests total. If all 242 of those guests wrote flaming messages, then why not post them on another page as "Proof" Moonies are obsessive. Thank you for your time ang guestbook space. Diana DKC.?(H) R(Cgh Kt) Gf f s df++++ h+ a $+ (d) L* e++ WL? L? g? i! U! Friday 10/23/1998 7:41:52am Name: You worst nightmare E-Mail: tvsgrady@aol.com Homepage Title: TV's Grady's Home Page Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/field/4611/index.html Referred By: Geocities Location: Who cares? Comments: Don't you morons have anything better to do? I guess it gets pretty boring down in Mommy's basement when you don't have any Star Trek conventions or Renaissance Festivals (Huzzah!) to go to. Thursday 10/22/1998 7:24:46pm Name: Sailor Mars E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: You know- you really DO like SM, don't you? I can tell- I mean, it's pretty obvious. Who's your fav. scout? Mine's S. Mars. Have you seen the episode where... no, you wouldn't have seen THAT episode! That was just yesterday! Mabey we can chat SM togehter sometime! E-mail me! -"And that means YOU!" Bye! *All contents in this guestbook signing are copywritten 1998* Thursday 10/22/1998 7:23:50pm Name: Sailor Mars E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: You know- you really DO like SM, don't you? I can tell- I mean, it's pretty obvious. Who's your fav. scout? Mine's S. Mars. Have you seen the episode where... no, you wouldn't have seen THAT episode! That was just yesterday! Mabey we can chat SM togehter sometime! E-mail me! -"And that means YOU!" Bye! Thursday 10/22/1998 7:17:09pm Name: SM lover E-Mail: Homepage Title: Go to hell Homepage URL: http://expage.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: UP YOUR ASS Comments: You are a self-concedied bitch and I hope you go to hell for spiking a harmless TV show! Why don't you waste your energy and webspace on something positive! DAMN YOU ISM! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! By the way- this guestbook signing is copywritten- so you can't use any of my personel words to your expense. ta-ta! *losers, he he he* Tuesday 10/20/1998 9:10:25pm Name: CWX leader of F.I.C E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button Location: F.I.C Comments: I do not wish to leave my e-mail address and other things blah blah blah incase those moonies(sailor moon lover) hack into my computer as revenge as I also had hacked into theirs.If any of you crazy *(E@&*W#^ moonies are here to wreck this place, and you happen to come here, let me tell you something.if you really luvvvvvv sailor moooooon!dress up as those idiot morons and go fight crime! Tuesday 10/20/1998 9:04:55pm Name: Courtney-chan E-Mail: sunny1@famvid.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Sprfld, IL Comments: I actually like SM a lot... I just needed some anti-Usagi pictures ^_- Doesn't she get on _everybody's_ nerves?? Anyway, I'm really getting sick of people talking about how stereotypical the characters in the show are. Ami always has her nose in a book for a _reason_. In Japan, you've got to study practically all the time in order to get a top score (it don't hurt if you wanna become a doctor ^_^;). They're really pressured to do good! And obviously, a lot of anime have characters with exaggerated idiosyncrasies... Tuesday 10/20/1998 4:58:26pm Name: Pyrite E-Mail: sailor21@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Lycos Location: your butt Comments: I am the great cornholio you have threatened the peace in my butt! I an going to bring T.P. to your bunghole! You must give me T.P. for my bunghole to appease me! Sunday 10/18/1998 8:16:08pm Name: Crystal Serenaity E-Mail: Crystal_serenaty@hotmail.com Homepage Title: uh I dont have one, at least not to my knowledge Homepage URL: http://ppppttttt Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: The moon, DUUUHHH Comments: Hi!! I'm not a normaly mean person, but PPPPTTTTTT! I stick my tounge out in you're face!!! HA HA HA. Have you ever noticed how many more Pro-Sailor moon sites there are on here so youre "MISSION" if that's what you would call it is absolutley positively completely USELESS!!! We WILL get our episodes and movies. you can count on that. If I'm wrong about that laugh in my face, See if I care what you lowlifes say!! Hope ya choke!!! MOON POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serena (CRYSTAL SERENITY) P.S. I am SAILOR MOON! I will write wrongs and triumph over evil and that means YOU!! All of you!!! Sunday 10/18/1998 3:09:04pm Name: Althena E-Mail: Homepage Title: NOYB Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: America Comments: How in the world could you not like SailorMoon. Some of the episodes I have to admit were pretty gay and pointless, but besides that SailorMoon Kicks ASS!! My brother even likes SailorMoon and by the way he is not gay. Ever watch Dragon Ball Z? Saturday 10/17/1998 9:38:23am Name: Toreador E-Mail: nanaki@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: LA Comments: Pretty big and dedicated page. A few months ago, this sort of page would have pissed me off, as I used to be a fan of Sailor Moon, but now that the far superior Dragon Ball Z also comes on US television I see Sailor Moon for the repetitive and childish show that it is. While I don't know if I support an anti-Sailor Moon campaign, I certainly don't condemn it. Anyway, keep it going....>To anyone reading this: Go to http://geocities.com/Area51/Vault/4942 for a web page on the greatest being to ever exist in our universe. Friday 10/16/1998 10:23:45pm Name: Enigma E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Net Search Location: Comments: Just what is your problem with Sailor Moon? Can you actually pin something down? Or can you just not get across the culture gap? You know, you are a very small minority. Most people like Sailor Moon because of what it represents, not just a few poorly translated jokes and gilrs in tight sailor suits Thursday 10/15/1998 4:48:14pm Name: SailorMercury34 E-Mail: SailorMercury34@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Katie's Chicken Webpage! Homepage URL: http://expage.com/page/rustychickens Referred By: Yahoo! Location: New Jersey Comments: Sailor Moon is the best show on TV! I don't know WHAT your talking about, youre just jealous because YOU don't have anything special about you. hmph. SM RULES!!!!!!!!! You don't know what you're talking about, maybe an Anti-HANSON page, that would work, but not an anit- SM page!!! thats just plain wrong, and you have problems. I think everyone should know about the SOS and stuff like that!! There needs to be more anime stores so I can buy stuff!!!!!! Thursday 10/15/1998 5:44:17am Name: KiCKAsS E-Mail: mcmahon@castle.net.au Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I don't like sailor moon. I like this page. Moonies are low life losers with no life. ( L.L.L.w.n.L.) Monday 10/12/1998 9:00:51pm Name: N/A E-Mail: N/A Homepage Title: N/A Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: N/A Comments: dude your page stinks I admit I never saw Saloir moon (or have the slitest idea what it's about) but I'm sick of people dissing other shows,bands,ect.. and mark my words this page WILL be hacked into Monday 10/12/1998 3:46:23pm Name: Dallas E-Mail: Dallas585@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Riverside California Comments: i think sailor moon is the coolest me and some of my friends are being the sailor scouts for halloween its going to be so dope Sunday 10/11/1998 7:44:40pm Name: Farley E-Mail: cfarley22@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Farleys Hate Page Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/makeup/7923/ Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Cool statement. I agree, Come and see my HATE page. This banner is a Link to all of my pages but the link up there is too my Hate Page. Farley's Page Sunday 10/11/1998 4:50:42pm Name: Army Tanko E-Mail: Summer@e.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: hell Comments: Love this site! Sunday 10/11/1998 2:12:39pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 10/11/1998 2:12:30pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 10/11/1998 2:10:30pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 10/11/1998 2:01:19am Name: Kryolite E-Mail: Kalin2564@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: A completely fantasy world :) Comments: Just like to make one comment...You continue complaining about how bad Sailor Moon is and how it should be taken off the air... and yet you give not one reason why. Come on, just admit it. You just don't like it. Fine. Stop complaining.Also, your logic is severely flawed. As you say, SOS sending in "evil" petitions designed to "bully" networks into submission. I'm so glad you were there when the Founders wrote THE FIRST AMENDMENT.... are you sure you know what "free speech" means?Kryolite, who's pretty sure this will be filtered out. I don't think you'd dare post it. It's too intelligent for a "stupid moonie." Friday 10/09/1998 7:52:01pm Name: Person E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http://youdon'twanttoknow Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: damn, all of your entry's are private, I would like to say what people think of your site. Okay let's just get this straight. I like sailor moon. NO i am not going to list every swear word i've ever heard. Your opinion is okay with me. I used to hate it too. People that sign your guestbook with things like, "OH *&%# you! They just can't suck it. your opinion is yours to own and no one has to cuss all over your page. Anyway i think it's kinda cool, if i didn't like sailor moon i would proabaly want to help, but i do like it so can't really support ya, Bye Friday 10/09/1998 6:54:49pm Name: Jessica Hayes E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: California Comments: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday 10/09/1998 12:12:48am Name: Kate Russo aka Sailor GeminiSaturn E-Mail: spoon711@juno.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Pennsylvania Comments: I think you're pretty sick not to like Sailor Moon. I mean, come on, if Sailor Moon isn't worth anything, then why did you spend your time setting up a web page that has everything to do with her?! I think that you must have been abused as a child.... Go to hell! Thursday 10/08/1998 11:15:42pm Name: HAHAHAHA E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: Dear webpage maker person, I am a highly obsessive Anime fan and like SM a lot too. I did not find any of the anti- Sailormoon pictures offensive I did, however, find some confusing. I, actually, didn't find anything very offensive on you page. Maybe I didn't look around enough. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA ps I found this searching for Upright citizens brigade pages Thursday 10/08/1998 5:09:25pm Name: Frederick Wilson E-Mail: fredwilson900yahoo.com Homepage Title: EAT THESE Homepage URL: http://suckonthis.net Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Maryland Comments: You Are a FUCKING IDIOT ISM SUCKS, why you trying to get rid of the show? What you should concentrate on doing is to get Sailor Moon uncut and uncensored, not icing the show FUCK, if you hate Sailor Moon, just don't watch the Show, simple as that, now turn on Barney and watch that for 24 hrs Shithead Wednesday 10/07/1998 5:15:53pm Name: Amy(princessM) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: tx Comments: hey, i'm not gonna dis this site and what not (me being a moonie) but I do wanna say this: even though i like Sailor Moon, people that like it also should NOT try to bomb these pages.You all are entitled to your own opinion. And even though i don't agree with people that don't like the show, moonies should STOP BEING SO MEAN to you guys. Wednesday 10/07/1998 1:22:08pm Name: grshshs E-Mail: dghjgd@h,dhkd.net Homepage Title: asfhsfh Homepage URL: http://sfjsf.com Referred By: From a Friend Location: billylaand Comments: SHUT UP YOUR PAGE IS CHEESY AND CHEAP Tuesday 10/06/1998 8:36:57pm Name: Mark E-Mail: Homepage Title: The Banjo Kazooie Files Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/mi/BanjoBear/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: If every mentally challenged Sailor Moon fan had a message for everyone MAKE IT PUBLIC! DUH! You guys must be really stupid. Monday 10/05/1998 2:53:12pm Name: Serena E-Mail: Jenn2cool@hotmail.com Homepage Title: none Homepage URL: http://none Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: the moon Comments: Look you no good mother ****** I for one don't see the point in making an anti Sailor Moon site if you hate it sooooooo much. IT seemes like you watch it a lot. I mean you have to have seen a lot of episodes to know all that you know about it. so whats the point of making a anti Sailor moon site if you hate it so much? Anyway SAILOR MOON IS ON TV AND WE ARE GOING TO KEEP IT ON , SO GIVE UP. and why don't you make a site on somthing you do like, like Barney. Your anti-fan Serena Monday 10/05/1998 1:30:09pm Name: Randy E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: I support S.O.S. Sailor mars!!!! Monday 10/05/1998 1:17:21pm Name: Rei E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: Save our sailors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go sailor MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sunday 10/04/1998 9:55:52pm Name: Paladin_z_2 E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Mobile,AL Comments: Pretty funny page. Sunday 10/04/1998 2:39:55pm Name: Anna E-Mail: Annalw1@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Sailor moon is better than than pussy show south park Ok ok Sailor moon is sometimes a crybaby cuz you watch north american episodes Sailor moon is the coolest Sunday 10/04/1998 2:10:48pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 10/04/1998 9:09:13am Name: T-Midnight E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: HEY!!! You moronic fools! Sailor Moon is a very good show, so stop putting it down and wake up! Saturday 10/03/1998 6:20:18pm Name: Gamer-Z E-Mail: classified Homepage Title: classified Homepage URL: http://classified Referred By: From a Friend Location: I would tell you by I would have to kill you. Comments: Sailormoon must die! Saturday 10/03/1998 0:15:14am Name: Doughnut! E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Issaquah, WA Comments: I havent seen Sailor Moon too much and I would like to see it so please be quiet. Friday 10/02/1998 11:38:24am Name: SailorNeptune E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Moon Kingdom Comments: i just like all of you to know that i think you guys need to get a life instead of obsessing over something you hate. I think it's completely not fair to all us moonies. so w/o further inturruption i bring on the quote you've all been waiting for "I am Sailor Moon. I shall right wrongs and triumph over evil, and you Nega-trash haven't been playing by the rule-book. On behalf of the moon we're going to hand you the rulebook! And your gonna play by it!!" ps i do tape the show :> Wednesday 09/30/1998 3:04:18pm Name: Kiyone E-Mail: Kiyone@theglobe.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Tokyo - 3 Comments: i like sailor moon. but i do admit that it's not the best anime/cartoon out there(Neon Genisis Evangelion rules!!). it's allright to like something but some people out there go way to far, for example: the creator of this home page getting death threats. and for those people out there who do this needs to find a nice hobby, or get some frineds. that would make life for you people more... lets say... worth while. p.s. i think this page is funny. Tuesday 09/29/1998 1:27:46pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Sunday 09/27/1998 7:39:14pm Name: tobias E-Mail: sullen_girl_2@yahoo.com Homepage Title: sour Homepage URL: http://www.gurlpages.com/other/peoplesuck Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: nj Comments: icky i hate anime. this is a good page, keep it up. i'd love to see some defaced pictures of sailor and her gang of nazi skinheads...or whatever they are. Sunday 09/27/1998 2:13:33pm Name: Alejandro Jarovisky E-Mail: pajaro@adinet.com.uy Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Uruguay Comments: Just make that silly girl shut up! Saturday 09/26/1998 12:27:04am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Friday 09/25/1998 6:17:10pm Name: moonie E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I do not understand your bitchy behavoir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a moonie Thursday 09/24/1998 11:15:53pm Name: Fuck you E-Mail: fuck@you.com Homepage Title: You suck dick. Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Your worst nightmare Comments: This page sucks. What a fucking waste of time ... Why don't you just kill yourself kyle? do the world a fucking favor ... Thursday 09/24/1998 9:38:57pm Name: Anti-ISM E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: SAILOR MOON ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday 09/24/1998 4:57:50pm Name: Abi E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: i think sailor moon is a very good show and i also think you should chill out on your obsession with silor moon (it's still an obsession, whether for or against) i mean think about it a worldwide chain about people who don't like sailor moon? why don't you guys just have a party or something Monday 09/21/1998 5:57:02pm Name: Sarah E-Mail: kudii@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Sailor Moon Page Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~kudii/index.html Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Sailor Moon is awesome!! It may seem a little airhead like at times, but it really isn't a bad show. Monday 09/21/1998 5:22:18pm Name: Jeffery Raines E-Mail: whiddaw@mci2000.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: From a Friend Location: Comments: I Think Your Page Is Cool. I Do Also Hate Sailor Moon. I Think It Is Stupid! SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL MOONIE'S THAT THAY DON'T RUN TELEVISION! AND THE SOS NEED'S TO KEEP THERE HEADS OUT OF OUR SHIT! Officer Widdaw Monday 09/21/1998 4:53:56pm Name: jennifer fedun E-Mail: fedunj.columbiaschool.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: yorkton,canada Comments: I DON'T GET IT. DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO WITH YOUR TIME THAN MAKE AN ANTI-SAILOR MOON WEB PAGE AND HAVE AN ORGANIZATION? IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T WATCH IT. SIMPLE. BY THE WAY, WHY ARE YOU TRASHING THE SAILOR MOON SOS? Sunday 09/20/1998 12:02:34am Name: Erik Bartlett E-Mail: Bellapooch@aol.com Homepage Title: Erik's Anti Sailor Moon Page Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~er16/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: San Ramon california Comments: Sailor moon stinks Sunday 09/20/1998 11:59:23am Name: Erik Bartlett E-Mail: Bellapooch@aol.com Homepage Title: Erik's Anti Sailor Moon Page Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~er16/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: San Ramon california Comments: Sailor moon stinks Sunday 09/20/1998 11:59:14am Name: Erik Bartlett E-Mail: Bellapooch@aol.com Homepage Title: Erik's Anti Sailor Moon Page Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~er16/index.html Referred By: Yahoo! Location: San Ramon california Comments: Sailor moon stinks Saturday 09/19/1998 9:12:16pm Name: Who wants to know?! E-Mail: Why? Homepage Title: I don't....... Homepage URL: http://?? Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: ................................................................................................ Comments: Why do you want to ice SM?? Saturday 09/19/1998 8:19:36am Name: Star Wolf E-Mail: cclawber@adams.net Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: A galaxy far far away Comments: I am a free agent right now (I hope to get into S.M.I.R.C or Sailor moon is really crappy) but I am a spy/attacker I go into SM sights dig up some dirt on the show and sign their guest books throwing the dirt right back at 'em so please every body who sees this join me in my dirty work and hopefully together we can ISM once and for all! Saturday 09/19/1998 1:42:09am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Friday 09/18/1998 5:29:31pm Name: Fuck You E-Mail: Stupid Shit Homepage Title: Your mom is a fucking whore Homepage URL: http://suck your dad's dick Referred By: Tripod Location: Mercury Comments: This page sucks shit. You must have no life. Why do you have to diss things? Just ignore it if you don't like it. Dick Sucker. Friday 09/18/1998 5:29:31pm Name: Gat a FREAKING LIFE E-Mail: Why the hell are you such a fag Homepage Title: There is WAY more pro sailor moonies so... Homepage URL: http://your site is a piece of crap Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: SCREW YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FUCKING GROUP Comments: Get a life and friends and stop making fun of things beyond your control. Don't you know that Sailor Moon is the top rated show on cartoon network so get your facts straight you FUCKING bastard!!! YOU WILL NEVER WIN!!! YOU DAMN LOOSER! Thursday 09/17/1998 3:56:05pm Name: None of your daggone business E-Mail: ditto Homepage Title: sorry don't got one Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: also none of your business Comments: I admit everyone's entitled to their own opinion and everything, but what the heck is this crap you call a webpage???? You've go no business insulting shows that you know just about everyone likes!!! Why don't you get a life and do a webpage on something that you do like for a change, not that you hate!! It just makes people angry! Also I viewed the guestbook and I only found one stinkin' message in there! It's either no one comes in at all because your page sucks, or the idiots that do manage there way in here are to freakin' stupid to type!! I bet you never took the time to acually watch Sailor Moon and get to know it! It's a very interesting show with very good animation that fools like you haven't got the slightest idea on how to appreciate it! I hope your sorry excuse for a webpage gets banned off the internet because of it's ridiculousness!!!! Have a nice day! :) Wednesday 09/16/1998 5:17:06pm Name: erik E-Mail: bellapooch@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: AOL Location: California Comments: SM sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday 09/16/1998 5:16:20pm Name: erik E-Mail: bellapooch@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: AOL Location: California Comments: SM sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tuesday 09/15/1998 3:17:27pm Name: Jinni ;-( E-Mail: Why would I tell you you Disney loving freak Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Go kiss zoicite. You do know she was a man in the manga! Number one there is a movie. Infact there are three! And there subtitled. and I have them! So Ha Ha! So in the name of Mars I will make your boots melt! Hate you much! Jinni :-( Monday 09/14/1998 7:58:40pm Name: Aaron Lockwood E-Mail: howray@javanet.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Springfield, MA Comments: Hey... Whats up! just checking out your web page. I have seen the SOS homepage, and let me tell you that DAMN those people nearly worship that stupid cartoon!!! I like a the cartoon a little but come on you don't see me going crazy over it by mailing TV Stations!! Next thing you know they'll be buggin the Cable Company's to have a Sailor Moon Channel or something lame like that! I'm one of those normal people who are not against the cartoon... But ARE against pathetic groups like SOS, and other moonies who think they "own US Television". They should be friggin happy if they get the 17 episodes! But anyway, I like to go into Anti Sailor Moon pages to see whats going on, but I don't go and flame the webmaster because its pointless. Well keep up the good work!! Aaron Lockwood Monday 09/14/1998 6:20:14pm Name: Animelily E-Mail: animelily@gurlmail.com Homepage Title: Animelily's page of Wonder Homepage URL: http://www.gurlpages.com/tv/animelily Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Pittsburgh Comments: Hi. I just happened to think your site actually rather funny. I really liked some of the pictures and in fact a may put you on my links pages (as soon as I get the *&@!ing thing up!) But My site is parcially about SM but mostly about anime so fear not. I'm what you call a SMwatcher or whatever that what was. first stage whatever. But anyways. I think it's rather comical so I'm going to put it on my site links. Enjoy! Erin Sunday 09/13/1998 7:48:10pm Name: Moose on the left next to the Buddha made of Jell-o E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Hell Comments: The only good Sailor Moon is a SM Porno.... and even then it ain't that great. Here's to hoping we can see each of the leggy bitches torn in half by tying their legs to autos headed in different directions! Sskkllittchh! Saturday 09/12/1998 4:52:27pm Name: Rahul Nirmal E-Mail: ?? Homepage Title: None Yet Homepage URL: http://None Yet Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Housto,Texas Comments: You have the worst ISM Page ever! It's blinding me and every other Sailor Moon Lover that wants to see all the shit contained in the ISM website!!!!! Fuck you!!! Friday 09/11/1998 11:30:51pm Name: wouldn't you like to know? E-Mail: I wouldn't tell you if you payed me! Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: I'm not going to tell you. Comments: I don't mean to be rude, but you guys are getting on our nerves you bad mouth Sailor Moon and say it's bad tv. It's a cartoon! It's not ment to be educational, or high quality. It's just there for the people who wan't to watch it. So if you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT!!!! Thursday 09/10/1998 6:03:08pm Name: somegirl E-Mail: something Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: someplace Comments: you peepos are dumb!! SAILOR MOON RULES!!!!! FOR ETERNITY!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Wednesday 09/09/1998 11:42:11pm Name: Sailor Jupiter E-Mail: I'm not gonna tell! Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Hell Comments: This web-page sucks...You people who spend all your time making fun of Sailor Moon nust not have a life! I think you should just stop with the stupid anti-SM crap! Wednesday 09/09/1998 2:36:00pm Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: NSE Campaign HQ Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/oh/nsehq/index.html Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... Comments: What's happening? Moonie Lamers? Gimme the name and my Bounty Hunters'll be on their tail...heh heh heh... Wednesday 09/09/1998 10:22:52am Name: Sheila E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Buffalo Comments: I like this page. I think it's funny. Now how about Other" Anti" pages on other stupid shows like "Ren and Stimpy" and "2 stupid dogs?" can't stand them! Tuesday 09/08/1998 10:38:39pm Name: tiamat E-Mail: tiamat77@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: this is rather amusing. i like sailor moon, i suppose im a moonie, or maybe even whatever comes after a moonie, but it's not by choice. that show has subliminal messages im sure of it!!! i used to make fun of it, and i watched it once, and now im hooked. i feel like a drug adict. watching that show is just like getting a "fix." it's sick! anyway i enjoy sailor moon and anti sailor moon...by the way warn others of the dangers of getting hooked on the show. its too late for me!!! you need a recovering moonie support group or something...nehoo...adios!! Tuesday 09/08/1998 5:01:23pm Name: ramon vera E-Mail: ranma123@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: usa Comments: I really hate this page because you don't even ha ve a life to be talking of the things that other people like! I also hate you for saying that you hate sailor moon because you watch the show more than me. to prove it I saw that you talk about galaxia in your page and that episode is in sailor stars it may not come to this country but I could see that you know more about sailor moon than me with the images you get . Too bad you didn't know that all sailor moon episodes have been translated into spanish and is going to be broadcast in the US in spanish on UNIVISION. ha ha ha! Sunday 09/06/1998 2:13:32pm Name: Danielle E-Mail: Lafcadio4@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: the moon Comments: Excuse me but if you think that sailor moon is only a show why bother to make an anti page. Why can't you just leave people alone. Frankly I like Sailor moon, and so do my friends. So if your sick of seeing SM pages, DON'T GO ON THE INTERNET!! Don't bash people or drawing cause you don't like them. If you ask me your just trying to get attension. The few people who hate sailor moon are not gunna go to the internet and purposly look for Anti-SM pages. Why do you care that much any way? leave peolpe and cartoons alone and take up pottery. Sunday 09/06/1998 6:35:32am Name: Mars E-Mail: Trippychick99@yahoo.com Homepage Title: Sailor Moon Forever Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ma/mandamoon Referred By: AngelFire Location: Mars Comments: I hope you get leprosy and your fingers fall off ( as well as other things) because YOU SUK!. Saturday 09/05/1998 9:03:29pm Name: MOONIE E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: YYOOUU SSSTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday 09/05/1998 4:44:36pm Name: Sailor Jupiter (Jupiter Dragon) E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Geocities Location: USA Comments: To The Idiots who "won't stop", Sailor Moon isn't a show you can dump all this crap on and get away with it. The charaters aren't two demensional or dull. To the shallow minded Serena is a whining crybaby, if you actually looked past the prejudice, you would see that Serena is a brave-heart in the form of a rabbit, a friend to the very end, a sensitive and sweet young woman who defends all and fights for love and justice. Sailor Moon is not only a light of hope but a loving queen. The proud defender of her queen and friend, Sailor Jupiter , (Jupiter Dragon) Saturday 09/05/1998 10:27:33am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: NSE Campaign HQ Homepage URL: http://www.angelfire.com/oh/nsehq/index.html Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... Comments: Whoa...what happened? 249 unnaproved guests? Loser Moonies strike again, I suppose... I will love taking Sailor Moon off the air. No obsessed Moonie will fall from our wrath... -Jeter- Saturday 09/05/1998 7:46:13am Name: Vasileos E-Mail: hyperzoogamy@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Just testing a GIF Friday 09/04/1998 8:36:10am Name: DarkHeart E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I know there are more guestbook entries. post them damnit Thursday 09/03/1998 9:51:04am Name: John Doe E-Mail: klsfjkdf Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: You suck, you will never stop disney fro making the movie Wednesday 09/02/1998 11:10:44pm Name: da man E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: you son of a bitch i gonna kill you till you die from it. Take this seriously don't sleep att night. I'm watching you right now. go ahead and call the police your still gonna get your ass kicked you two bit mutha fucka Tuesday 09/01/1998 7:44:03pm Name: A Sailor Moon Fan E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Although you are free to harbor your own feelings against Sailor Moon, I disagree with the fact that you are attempting to cancel the show. Many people (including myself) enjoy watching it, and with you trying to stop dubbings of future shows, a lot of people won't be very happy. I enjoy the storyline, and although the fighting, and the enemies are often repetive, the character developement and subplot gets pretty interesting. In my opinion, you are being selfish by trying to stop a show that many enjoy because you don't enjoy it too. I would understand your opinion if this show had innappropriate content, but it doesn't. Instead of spending your time fighting to stop the show, you can ignore it, or choose one of possible a hundred other channels to watch instead of that. Well sorry for the long message, just my 2 cents. Tuesday 09/01/1998 2:45:39pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Tuesday 09/01/1998 0:25:34am Name: About a 3 on the fan scale E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: Comments: Funny page but you better learn to spell... I before E! Monday 08/31/1998 7:46:37pm Name: YOU'RE A MOTHER FUCKER E-Mail: Homepage Title: anti-sailormoon's fuck their mothers Homepage URL: http://www.porno.com Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: why dont you just concentrate on fucking your mother? Monday 08/31/1998 2:35:37pm Name: Cash Wallace E-Mail: SmellyCheeseMan@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Screw you guys and your anti-Sailor Moon selves. Long live Sailor Moon. Monday 08/31/1998 9:57:07am Name: DarkHeart E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I know that there is more than guestbook trash in there, why won't you post any guestbook entries? Monday 08/31/1998 9:54:15am Name: DarkHeart E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I don't support ISM because I like SailorMoon but I don't support any of the bashing of the guestbooks either. I would like to know what your strategy for getting off the air is. besides not writing to the cable TV stations because it is stooping to the SOS level isn't junk but makes little sense considering you want to take it off the air. so how will you take it off the air anyway, I'd like to know Monday 08/31/1998 9:51:23am Name: DarkHeart E-Mail: knschoen@syr.edu Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I don't support ISM because I like SailorMoon but I don't support any of the bashing of the guestbooks either. I would like to know what your strategy for getting off the air is. besides not writing to the cable TV stations because it is stooping to the SOS level isn't junk but makes little sense considering you want to take it off the air. so how will you take it off the air anyway, I'd like to know Monday 08/31/1998 2:52:12am Name: Merideth Peters E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Clevland Comments: ISM ROCKS !!!!! Sailor moon sux and is sooooo un-realistic. It should be banned!!! Saturday 08/29/1998 7:35:14pm Name: veronica kimes E-Mail: galacygirl@aol.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Yahoo! Location: milpitas CA Comments: i like sailor moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Friday 08/28/1998 2:13:07pm Name: Vasileos E-Mail: hyperzoogamy@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Tokyo, the city from which the plague began. As a result most of their youths are either travesties or lesbos. Lets take example from them and not repeat the same mistake. SAILORMOON MUST BE STOPED. Friday 08/28/1998 0:25:38am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:25:19am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:24:13am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:24:13am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:24:10am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:24:09am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:24:08am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:24:06am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:23:48am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:23:46am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:23:36am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: .................................................... Friday 08/28/1998 0:22:29am Name: Lion Jeter E-Mail: Jeter_link@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Referred By: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: ....................................................