Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 2000-01-02 22:50:03 Comments: Sailor Moon - Woah!!! I don't know WHAT you're on but I want some! |
Name: Katarine Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: I forgot. Time: 2000-01-02 03:25:43 Comments: Great site! I just wish more people knew how hoochie Sailor Moon and her whores really are. |
Name: Sailor Moon Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 2000-01-02 00:51:44 Comments: SEND HER TIARA KILLS EVERYONE WHO HATES HER |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-31 01:52:08 Comments: Yes. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-31 01:11:50 Comments: Jeter, behave. Down boy, down!! Teehee |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-31 01:08:56 Comments: The Owner - Apology accepted =P Thanks |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-30 22:11:50 Comments: Ugh, double-posted. The one right below is the one I meant. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-30 22:09:06 Comments: An apology. How rare... Well, I'm not a total fan, seeing as I've done more malice to the Anti Sailor Moon community than most, but that's more of a personal thing against the certain people. Keep your head clear, be sure to. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-30 22:12:07 Comments: An apology. How rare... Well, I'm not a total fan, seeing as I've done more malice to the Anti Sailor Moon community than most, but that's more of a personal thing against the certain people. Keep your head on the ground, do yourself a favor... |
Name: The Owner Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-30 14:40:34 Comments: I'm sorry to you two...i didn't know you two were fans of this update is coming soon but won't happen till after the new year...thanks for comming to the site and i'm sorry... |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-27 06:01:15 Comments: Well, that's a first for me... the Owner complaining of supporters!!! How peculiar... |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-24 03:31:26 Comments: It's just I naturally figured that you were somewhere else. For God's sake, update! |
Name: The Owner Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Time: 1999-12-24 02:55:40 Comments: What do you mean I won't read it? I have been reading it and I have noticed that you two have been signing this guestbook with your conversations. Don't you have another place to have conversations like in chat rooms? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-23 18:52:04 Comments: Thanks. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-23 06:18:37 Comments: Well said, Jeter. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-20 16:55:27 Comments: Awful hypocritical, eh? Yelling at someone for making a site about something they hate (not-to-mention a site that hasn't been updated for years, THE OWNER CAN'T READ THESE MESSAGES, people!). You're spending time on something you hate too. If you were my mom, I'd put myself up for adoption. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-20 04:11:10 Comments: "Your Mom" - You know, I know you get sick pleasure out of insulting someone who disagrees with you... but why waste your time... when you could be doing something less unintelligent? Now, I'm not going to even try and match the contradictory sentences this person wrote next. I mean, come on, how stupid can you be? Someone comes in here and yells at the maker of the website about insulting things and how dumb that is and then THEY start insulting the maker of the website. Sometimes I wonder if putting people on the planet was a HUGE mistake. |
Name: Your Mom Website: why do u even bother? Referred by: From a Friend From: Obviously not the same institution u are Time: 1999-12-18 06:40:34 Comments: U know...i know u get sick pleasure out of insults...but why waste time writing about something u hate....when u could be doing something u like or preaching it? God! there really are some sick ass people out there....glad you found a reason to get up in the is ALL TO OBVIOUS that u are secretly in love with the senshi....god people...get a life! |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-12 21:06:21 Comments: Marilyn Manson isn't really as bad as I thought he was. And Britney Spears...well...;).. Intelligence and common sense, yeah. Violence begets violence. Stop the circle of hate, people!! :p |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-12 21:05:45 Comments: Yup, it'll just keep going on forever because some people just are WAY too defensive about these things. If it's not Sailor Moon, it'll be Marilyn Manson or Britney Spears... it'll go on forever because some people just plain lack intelligence. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-12 17:45:13 Comments: *sigh* The neverending stubborn argument. This'll go on forever. |
Name: Sailor X Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Japan Time: 1999-12-12 16:29:47 Comments: I like Sailor Moon! :-P |
Name: Brandon Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Tennessee Time: 1999-12-12 06:05:44 Comments: Moonies are crazy. Just look at some of the psychotic things they put in this guest book. O and by the way moonies, why do you waste your time going to a site that bashes your favorite show? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-09 00:25:16 Comments: The ever-so honorable return of Scott, huh? I'm not insterest in SM and anime either. Jeter don't worry 'bout me, I have two month left to live. and Same with pokemon. Oh, riight, suddenly you're not interested in the art form that you were rambling on and on about a short time ago? And good, as far as that living thing goes, incoherent as it was. one more thing Evryone sucks, including us. Epsecially since your wasitng bitching about life sucks,don't bother things go away on thier on, Like NSE Pokemon. so BE PATIENT What'd he say again? And unfortunately for some, NSE cannot live, and Pokemon will last only a short time, because it IS a fad. Jete is not gay anymore. But Seeing that you just want some to listen to you. That's okay. I feel so liberated. Scott doesn't think I'm gay! Woo-hoo! |
Name: Shh Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-08 21:56:49 Comments: Jete is not gay anymore. But Seeing that you just want some to listen to you. That's okay. |
Name: Shhh Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-08 21:41:29 Comments: one more thing Evryone sucks, including us. Epsecially since your wasitng bitching about life sucks,don't bother things go away on thier on, Like NSE Pokemon. so BE PATIENT |
Name: Shhh... Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-08 21:35:16 Comments: I'm not insterest in SM and anime either. Jeter don't worry 'bout me, I have two month left to live. and Same with pokemon. |
Name: Shhh...Jeter is gay Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-08 21:30:44 Comments: jeteris gay |
Name: jessica Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: none of your business Time: 1999-12-08 02:09:35 Comments: i think your site sucks and i think that u need to find a better hobbie then ragging on a cartoon. for real,how old r u? it doesn't matter,it's just hella stupid for u to have a site like just shows that u have nothing better to do |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-07 21:07:27 Comments: 'kay. *cough*scottsucks *cough* |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-07 05:10:21 Comments: Jeter *scold* that wasn't very nice! ;) But I forgive you... *giggles* |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-06 21:38:16 Comments: *cough*pokemonsucks *cough* |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-12-04 03:46:47 Comments: It never ceases to amaze me when people come and put comments such as "?" in the Guestbook. How can you mistake someone like that for intelligent? |
Name: ? Website: ? Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: ? Time: 1999-12-03 03:33:45 Comments: ? |
Name: Richard Laws Website: San Diego's Own Richard Laws' Community! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Estados Unidos Time: 1999-12-02 22:26:36 Comments: Interesting website! Thanks for your time. Pokemon Get Daze. |
Name: Richard Laws Website: San Diego's Own Richard Laws' Community! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Estados Unidos Time: 1999-12-02 22:30:03 Comments: Interesting website! Thanks for your time. Pokemon Get Daze. |
Name: Richard Laws Website: San Diego's Own Richard Laws' Community! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Estados Unidos Time: 1999-12-02 22:30:02 Comments: Interesting website! Thanks for your time. Pokemon Get Daze. |
Name: Richard Laws Website: San Diego's Own Richard Laws' Community! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Estados Unidos Time: 1999-12-02 22:26:12 Comments: Interesting website! Thanks for your time. Pokemon Get Daze. |
Name: Richard Laws Website: San Diego's Own Richard Laws' Community! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Estados Unidos Time: 1999-12-02 22:29:11 Comments: Interesting website! Thanks for your time. Pokemon Get Daze. |
Name: Richard Laws Website: San Diego's Own Richard Laws' Community! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Estados Unidos Time: 1999-12-02 22:28:56 Comments: Interesting website! Thanks for your time. Pokemon Get Daze. |
Name: Cory Website: DBZHardcore Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Arizona Time: 1999-11-20 09:27:17 Comments: Hey guys and gals, Tried of Sailor Moon then check out my Dragon Ball Z page it will get you hooked on a much better cartoon. Oh love what your doing even though sailor and them are hot. Thats okay. Thanks, Cory |
Name: Tina Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Time: 1999-11-20 06:10:53 Comments: Umm all I can say to you is that you are a little pathetic piece of shit |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 23:35:06 Comments: And, if I'm "doing just about the same thing you are", then you're a pretty big hypocrite to "scold" me, huh. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 23:32:33 Comments: I could barely make that out (seriously), but from the stuff I understood, every single thing you're saying is total delusional bull. I don't know how else to say it, you're just a dumbass and you're going to be one for a very long time. When did I attack every single Anti that signed this guestbook. I don't even remember the last time one did. Retard. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 23:02:07 Comments: Not to mention attacking any Anti that sign this GB recently. It use to be Moonies now Antis. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 22:59:54 Comments: But Jeter you're the one that dellusional, everyobne else notices Take your "friends" for instance. And You cowardly ran away when you were under fire for bugging Janus. Not to mention that you bombed Pizza Of Hut GB and Hack it Do everything in your power to keep the fighting going. By Making cheap baseless asults on anything possiable. But I am thinking that everyone like anime,but It's just a suggestion which is another reason you avoid all pionts possiable. And you're hypocrite becuase that you believe that stuff that Patrick said and you're not doing that thing of some sort. But Lastly you do allmost the same thing that I'm doing. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 20:34:15 Comments: Aha, the retard's back! Now the fun resumes. "You're on your way"? *ROTFLMAO* Riight. I do hate to have to go over your personality flaws again, but if it's necessary....
Name: Jeterror Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 08:58:44 Comments: So Let me guess that you're saying it's okay for me to that. Okay if you insist. But I'm insecrue but not as much you now,becuase I'm on my way,but you still have much to go to okay. BTW You should've told me that stuff allreadly.When we started being at eachother throghts |
Name: Jeter |s dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-19 08:28:53 Comments: Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Foooled you. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-18 01:27:24 Comments: My Hall of Lame listing comes into mind. Being a typical Anti, my primary goal was to get Moonies to flame me and then show it off. I made the big list from the names of the people I've seen flame Antis. The end tally was about 700 or 800. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-18 00:39:47 Comments: *nods* I know, though most people seem to rather enjoy that sort of thing. I could name at least one hundred. *laughs* |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-17 19:41:54 Comments: Apparently it must be awful tiring to embarrass yourself in alot of places at the same time. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-17 07:59:37 Comments: Looks like Scott gave up, eh? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-16 00:04:12 Comments: Yeah. (Too tired to think of a real reply right now, my apologies) |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 23:26:50 Comments: I think people should repect your opinion when you say you don't like Anime. I read the messages they respond to you with and just don't see why they're so close-minded. You don't seem close-minded at all to me, just expressing your opinion... therefore I stick up for those kind of people. I don't like Sailor Moon, but I do love Anime in general... it doesn't bother me one bit that you don't, nor do I scream like a 2 year old at you for it. I think it's interesting to talk to a person who has a different view then yourself =P I just don't believe in how they're treating you. From what I've seen... you're not offensive until someone's offensive towards you. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 22:21:04 Comments: Why are you so nice to me though? It's not too consensus around the Internet. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 21:12:09 Comments: Thanks Jeter! You do too =P No autographs, though... don't have a pen with me right now ;) |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 20:26:17 Comments: You know what? You're absolutely right. If I didn't have you to spend so many laughs with, what would I do with my time? You rule, Kate. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 08:03:39 Comments: Vidian - Oh, well that's a mature way of going about it. A little tip: look up the word MATURE in a dictionary and see what it means. Also, if you want someone to take you seriously, then don't act like a grade one about it... act your age, unless of course you are seven... which seemingly fits your behavior. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 02:15:54 Comments: But, I did all those to you to keep you busy, form ever suceding. So :-P in astromistical huge size |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 02:02:35 Comments: I'm very glad to see I'm bothering you so much, Scott. If no-one cared what I thought, then no-one would speak to me and no-one would do anything about me. I'm one of the only people who decide to waste time by replying to your drivel. As for the rest of that, I entreat you, get a spell-checker. |
Name: Jeterr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:56:33 Comments: But you are just somebody that shouldn't be lisiten to anyway,You deplet a shit-load of repect form everyone. So who's your daddy bitch. |
Name: Jeterr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:53:09 Comments: Besides you should know. No one Takes you seriously after you start being bitch to antis.You made them what they are and you can't change that. |
Name: Jeterr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:52:35 Comments: Say what you will But you are just sputerling useless baseless shit.You remind me of splinter, I just brush it off and laugh |
Name: Jeterr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:52:47 Comments: Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll 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Name: Jeterr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:44:55 Comments: I was keeping you on a short leash. Sit Jeter sit Good Troll |
Name: Jeeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:38:03 Comments: That was getting back for that time when he bomb My GB. Since I don't where his domicle is, I try here. But Of course I do this for the fun of it ,like anyone would bother a half-assed hillbillie like Jetto Felleto |
Name: Jeeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 01:37:45 Comments: And so with you,but you did that since your "retirement" |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 00:45:33 Comments: I thought it was obvious from the beginning, son, bombs do not offend or bother me. They just reinforce the fact that the person doing it is a dumbass. "My work here is done"? Heh. All I have to do is sit by and watch you deplete people's respect for you. Like I said, I'm not taking you seriously, your arguments and points are useless. That should go for anyone else who knows you. "Vidian"...*LOL* Would that be a girl's name, Scott? |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 00:31:05 Comments: My work here is done |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 00:15:44 Comments: Have you noctice It only goes to 250 and erases the old messages at bottom |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 00:17:25 Comments: I am doing this to bother Jeter for all things he doing |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-15 00:05:32 Comments: Oh look... someone decided to be cute and repeat their message a whole bunch of times. And what an original one it was, too... 'Jeter Sucks'. How long did it take you to think of that one, Vidian? |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:44 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:36 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:50:45 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:23 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:50:34 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:13 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:50:23 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:50:17 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:50:10 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:48:02 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:46:46 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:51 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:46:32 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:49:42 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:49:33 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:24 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:19 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:13 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:46:48 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:48:46 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:48:40 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:18 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:46:24 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:46:19 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:48:17 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:48:11 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:44:49 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:55 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:54 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:44 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:47:43 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:32 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:44:15 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Vidian Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:44:09 Comments: I JeTeR SuCkS |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:43:59 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:54 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:42:12 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:42:06 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:11 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:45:04 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:44:58 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:41:36 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:42:42 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:41:26 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:44:36 Comments: I do this TO ANOY YOU. duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:37:17 Comments: But he should at least try, but there's pletty of other stuff |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:34:54 Comments: Sit Jeter sit,Good Troll |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 23:35:14 Comments: Oh yeah but at least,but if no-one cares about anything.... But of course I've know that. But Jeter is lamest troll |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 20:51:43 Comments: And the cowardly GuestBook bombings didn't quite help the situation, huh, Scott. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 20:16:42 Comments: And look at you two (Jeter |s Dumb and Jeter |s on crack)... you're close-minded, as well. I, personally, don't see Jeter as close-minded at all... he's just trying to get you two to see that not everyone in the world has to like Anime. That's like saying everyone has to refer to the MM band as 'God' or they'll 'fall'. It's a stereotype... an awful one, trying to force someone into liking what you like. That's just plain ridiculous; delirious, even. If you can't accept differences in the world, then you shouldn't be here. It's people like that who cause messy situations with their close-minded opinions and sheep-like ways. And to the 5-6 guestbook signings at one time... that is rather pointless. No one reads all the posts, it's repeatitive and boring. Period. Try one long one, you may get more response that way. It also makes it VERY hard to see what's going on... since there's on 10 entries allowed at one time. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 16:11:31 Comments: People that are inrested in way I have to say,and people that are inrested in what you have to say. And yet, about a day ago, you said the exact opposite. So tell me How long did your realitive live to be? 80 or 90. You know we might live to be even beyond that like 200-300 like on those charicters on sci-fi shows You'd really have to be incredibly retarded to believe any of that. The oldest woman in the world is about 140, at the most. Yeah, At least he won't make such big fuss. But He's the close-minded one. I happend to watch some tokusatsu videos and anime videos. I heard you can get some at the UCI Bookstore. He should at least watch onther Anime that isn't Sailor Moon,That's why he got into mess. I'm the close-minded one here? You believe you can hurt me by insulting things I like, you believe Anime makes people superior, you believe in saying the same 2 arguments over and over and over til the point of baselessness, and you call ME close-minded? Uhh..huh. Just listen to what you said, "he should watch Anime". No-one is obligated to watch anything unless it is their will to. And keeping in mind you called me close-minded a second ago, I'm laughing my ass off right now. But he thinks it's all the same thing but it's not. I mean there's some stuff the range form Barney to Something like Oz (that HBO Show). But at Least He won't make something stupider Than NSE,but now I like new NSE,I guess I only hate NSE becuase of Jeter and his Sadam-like opinions Never once you see anyone else commentary beside Jeter (to my knowledge)at that time. But I have a felling,that If Jeter tries to make his life long mission to rid the world of anime,he'll be Greatly outnumbered. That all falls into the "no-one gives a damn about what you think about things" category. When did I ever say I wanted to rid the world of Anime. Lay off the LSD, son. But you know He known to be the most stuburnist person on Ye ole internet Ohh, yes, I forgot. In the Internet, consisting of billions of users, I've hanged around maybe 20 at the most, and I'm known to be the most stubborn of everyone. Riight. People would hate you much more if they could understand what you're saying. And has anyone noticed how retarded it is to post 5-6 guesbook signings at a time? |
Name: Jeter |s dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 12:57:41 Comments: But you know He known to be the most stuburnist person on Ye ole internet |
Name: Jeter |s dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 12:54:56 Comments: But he thinks it's all the same thing but it's not. I mean there's some stuff the range form Barney to Something like Oz (that HBO Show). But at Least He won't make something stupider Than NSE,but now I like new NSE,I guess I only hate NSE becuase of Jeter and his Sadam-like opinions Never once you see anyone else commentary beside Jeter (to my knowledge)at that time. But I have a felling,that If Jeter tries to make his life long mission to rid the world of anime,he'll be Greatly outnumbered. |
Name: Jeter |s on crack Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 12:25:23 Comments: Yeah, At least he won't make such big fuss. But He's the close-minded one. I happend to watch some tokusatsu videos and anime videos. I heard you can get some at the UCI Bookstore. He should at least watch onther Anime that isn't Sailor Moon,That's why he got into mess. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 07:05:04 Comments: Jeter |s Dumb - You're watching too much TV, dude. It seems to have effected your normal brainwaves... I doubt anyone can actually live to 200-300 years old. I've heard of people who are 115, but that's as far as it goes. Our bodies were never designed to handle that; not to say they won't be when life, in general, starts over. I mean, really... of course there's some 'mystical' and 'unbelievable' things in life... but you're taking it too far on that one. I think you should probably take a day off from TV watching and actually study up on some stuff. It appears you've become very close-minded and you think of yourself as superior because you watch Anime. I like Anime, very much, but I respect Jeter's opinion when he says he doesn't like it. See, that doesn't mean I, or anyone else who accepts differences, can't talk to him or converse with him... it just means our opinions differ on some subjects. Actually, that probably makes the conversation more lively... having two points of view. |
Name: Jeter |s dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 04:12:33 Comments: So tell me How long did your realitive live to be? 80 or 90. You know we might live to be even beyond that like 200-300 like on those charicters on sci-fi shows |
Name: Jeter |s dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 04:06:43 Comments: People that are inrested in way I have to say,and people that are inrested in what you have to say. |
Name: Jeter |s dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 04:07:53 Comments: People that are inrested in way I have to say,and people that are inrested in what you have to say. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 03:53:19 Comments: Oh-ho? I can't make you angry anymore? (I trust that's what you said) That's a mighty fine load of denial. And I'm not saying that because it's what I want to happen, I'm saying it because it's obvious. Who the hell cares about longevity in your family. |
Name: Jeter |s gay Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 01:19:05 Comments: One more thing longevity runs in my family. My great grandma lived up to 92 |
Name: Jeter |s gay Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 01:17:44 Comments: No but you can't make angery anymore. But you realize that not everyone doesn't care about you. What about you love,Like your parents and friends and your dog. And it's true with me,like my parents and friends and my cat. |
Name: Wow, Scott's a dumbass. Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 00:30:44 Comments: Oh yes, I forgot, whenever someone likes something, they're obsessed with it. And I was hoping you'd get the point that you can't insult Star Wars and then offend me in the process, but dumbasses will be dumbasses. Even at that, I know you like it, so that makes it even more pathetic. I remember you saying that. Not like it matters. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-14 00:02:30 Comments: Then you ssay there is something wrong with being obessed,and you are being obessed in something that useless as Star Wars,huh. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 23:46:40 Comments: AND SO WITH YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE NO-ONE CARES ABOUT ANYONE |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 16:36:26 Comments: Oh, heh heh, of course, it was Scott. He'll do things like this and then expect me to completely forget about it and "listen to his points" a moment later. Naive little retard. Yes there's something wrong with being obsessed with useless things. And for one last time, No-one cares how you feel about things. No-one cares. That's all there is to it. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 16:34:02 Comments: Heh. I'm guessing that was Scott, or Lucy, or whoever, they're all at the same level right now. You can check the IPs too. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:08:20 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:08:14 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:08:07 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:07:37 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:05:29 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:04:14 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:07:22 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:07:16 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:05:07 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:05:03 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:07:02 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:03:42 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:03:34 Comments: DO YOU ? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 10:01:50 Comments: You'll know where to find me. Do you? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:49:22 Comments: But you know there can be stuff worse than that |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:47:53 Comments: As For Power Rangers,Opinons not Facts. Duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:47:46 Comments: As For Power Rangers,Opinons not Facts. Duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:50:53 Comments: As For Power Rangers,Opinons not Facts. Duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:48:43 Comments: As For Power Rangers,Opinons not Facts. Duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:50:35 Comments: As For Power Rangers,Opinons not Facts. Duh |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:28:47 Comments: Another miscomunication. No there's nothing wrong with being obess with things useless..... But how about trying some thing new. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 05:22:46 Comments: True, but It's getting better. But Like you said your opinions don't matter. And no-one cares what you think either. But the reallity Anime is just anime. But I don't if you hate just as long as you don't start a camppaign against it. Why bother. But some people do care what we think, such as Teenbobber shit and anything related to that stuff. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 01:51:57 Comments: Please give me a moment to process something to say in the face of so much density... ... .... Okay, I got an crazy thought, Scott - No-one cares you hate Britney Spears. No-one cares you love Anime like that. No-one cares you hate Star Wars. No-one cares I love it. And since when was Power Rangers popular?? *LOL* They died as soon as that pitiful Power Rangers In Space thing started. And yes, there is something wrong with being obsessed with that stuff. That naive attitude explains why you thought I'd be devastated when you insulted Star Wars. Why are you so nice to me, Kate? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-13 01:04:54 Comments: Same Here ,don't force to me to like the hoe,you call britney. I HATE BRITNEY SPEAR AND STAR WARS. as fot Power Rangers it's still popular with everyone you notive people in their 30's liking Star Wars SM etc. So in reality there is nothing wrong with being obess with that stuff |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-12 23:10:51 Comments: Yup, I'm back. It amazes me how dense you people are! What part of the sentence 'I don't like Anime' is so hard to get? Some people don't like the things you like, why bother forcing them into liking it... or trying to that is. It shows nothing but insecurity if you can't face it that not everyone else in this work is like you. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-12 21:10:50 Comments: How shocked I am, a supposed High School graduate who likes something "that is like Power Rangers". Heh. And unfortunately I can't find another way of saying it, so... I don't like Anime. I am not interested. Face that. |
Name: Jeter |s narrow-minded Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-12 03:25:50 Comments: It's Kinda like Power Rangers but it's puting a GI Joe and Star Wars into it.The show Teknoman got cancelled the same time SM was cancelled the first time.But That genre of of anime is animated tokusatsu. And Tokusatsu is like Power Rangers and Ultraman,which has been popular in Japan since 1954. I don't care what you think |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-11 19:41:23 Comments: "Starting a band"...*ROTFLMAO* *fake tone* Hey! I will use my crystals to transform into some weird-ass robots to fight a monster every day of the week at 3 from outer space! That sure as hell isn't like Power Rangers, is it? Accept the facts, son, I am not interested in any way by Anime. I do not like Anime. There it is. And you'd be awful naive to think that Star Wars is the only thing on "this god green earth" (? God's green?) that I like. |
Name: Jeter |s Dumb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-11 03:41:11 Comments: Hey not mention the Anime is for everyone including you. You can find something similar Star Wars. Oh say Gundam, Robotech and/or Macross |
Name: Jeter |s stupid Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-11 03:35:00 Comments: Not Exactly thinking of starting a band. I am pretty good at the trumpet,and besides, the trumpet is just as popular as the sax,I wanted to play sax too. But As for Tekkaman, It's silmar to Ronin Warriors. Don't forget Dragonn Ball and Rorunin Kenshin. As for my page I am busy working and Anti-Bit Bit Pics and Fics,So where's your page. And another thing Pizza Of Hut had made point about you would allways be self-hated and self-denial just becuase you won't accept thet fact that no one on this god green earth cares about you. So who's the coward? Ypu. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-11 02:34:03 Comments: Well, I'm sure my coolness can't compare to a trumpet-playing, illiterate, dumbass, Power-Rangers-equivalent lover, but life does go on, doesn't it. And, *lol*, keep up the good, *lol*, work on your site, considering it's just a few words and a guestbook. "Permanently ignoring me", huh? Heh. |
Name: Jeter |s Stupid Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-11 01:32:08 Comments: That's sounds more like you,Jeter *LOL* |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-11 00:21:27 Comments: Who'd really want to be cool? In the end it goes to your head and a jackass is born. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-11-10 06:21:59 Comments: So, let me get this right Cosmic.... if someone agrees with you that means they 'rule' or they're 'cool', but if someone disagrees with you they 'suck' or they're 'uncool'. Hmm, sounds like you have some issues of always having to be right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. How hypocritical is that? Also, one more thing: who named you the God of claiming who's 'cool' and 'uncool'? |
Name: cosmic sailor moon Website: none of your busness Referred by: Yahoo! From: midland,texas Time: 1999-11-07 20:21:33 Comments: This is to who ever made this stupid website,UP YOURS^_^.I really hope you like my e-mail i sent you.and to anyone eles who thinks Sailor Moon sucks, all i have to say is to get a life,you sailor bevis.And to the people who agree with me,you have very good taste^_^! |
Name: nonya business Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: pluto Time: 1999-11-07 01:31:22 Comments: i think u suck. sailor moon rulz and if u have a problem with it,that's your own fault so quit bad mouthing the people who r kool that LIKE sailormoon u freak |
Name: bunny/Serena Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: the moon Time: 1999-11-06 19:06:31 Comments: I like Sailor Moon, all you other peoples are just too violent, She can't hurt you and you can't hurt her so just forget your senseless acts of stupidity. {yes,Serena is my real name} I bet if you watched a couple of episodes, you'd like it too, Hey it changed me. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-31 17:09:53 Comments: What the hell... |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-31 12:27:00 Comments: I'm starting to become surprised at how many people out here on the Internet love to make total nitwits out of themselves and a regular basis and think it makes them 'cool'. It's rather sad the world has come to this... |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-28 01:07:43 Comments: Yes, Scott, I'm still eager to "pay". And what is with your obsession with Star Wars all the sudden? No-one's even listening. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-28 00:47:10 Comments: You know, threats over the Internet like that are more comical then meaningful. It's just plain stupidity, I mean... sure... you're going to come find us and beat us up, right. What do you think we are? Some 1st graders? We're not going to just bow down to you and agree with you because you insult and threaten us. |
Name: Jeter |s Loser Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-28 00:16:13 Comments: But you Know Jeter You would face the Consiquences Later on, the only You could do is Watch Star Wars, After I and the Other Get throught with you. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-28 00:07:05 Comments: No idea what you just said. However, I do enjoy Star Wars, and forgive me if I don't like some Power Rangers clone where little kids run around and morph into these BS robots with crystals and save the world every week. Don't you get it yet? I don't want to be redeemed. I am having so much fun. "This is what you get when you mess with us..."--Karma Police, radiohead |
Name: Jeter Is loser Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-27 22:09:39 Comments: One more Thing Jeter, If you knew Turth about Star Wars, that is Just abother lame-ass movie, Then you would have no life. and don't give that Star Wars is best movie shit.Come now You living in Dream World |
Name: Jeter |s Hyoprcite Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-27 22:07:18 Comments: Okay for starters, You're contradictive. Becuase you speak openly and then you don't accept the slight view of others. In that case I won't Tell you want Teknoman is , You have to go and find for yourself. AS for that you deserve what you did to Ethan and the other,Like you said to me. Your dignisty is lost forever. And You can't ever EVERredim yourself byanyonebeside what you did to Ethan on Pizza Hut's GB is low even for you, If you are so egar to get even with evryone,then Stop. You're not making yourself look or feel aby better and you have not even came close ever fulil that. Beside what you said eariler Look at yourself you becane that person. That Loonely Prick,you called yourself. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-27 20:11:15 Comments: Thank you kindly, Kate. I'm amazed that you, Scott, are insecure enough to ask a question like that, but yes, I like Star Wars because it is an experience. The trilogy is maybe 1/30 of all of it. The movie was incredible for 1979 and still beats alot of things (what in God's name is Tekkaman Hawk, ANOTHER Power Rangers clone you like?). |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-26 23:35:40 Comments: *bows* Thanks, Jeter ;) He does seem to like to alternate type styles, don't you think? Really, I see no point in that... I take someone LESS seriously once they start messing around with fonts (caps, different sized fonts, etc.) then when they calmly state their opinion. On his new message, I would like to comment to him... but I'm having a hard time figuring out what he said/was trying to say. Also... I don't think Jeter EVER mentioned Star Wars and I'm sure I didn't because I didn't go and see it. So, I really don't see WHY you felt the need to put that in there... just pointless. Also, everyone entitled towards liking different movie styles... I, for one, like Anime. I find them really interesting, but Jeter doesn't... so what? It's just a movie opinion, nothing to be insulting him about. I agree that Sailor Moon is one of the suckiest Anime's (TV episodes, I mean) ever made! So, there's my two cents for ya... |
Name: Jeter |s a loser Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-26 22:50:55 Comments: I mean CAN YOU STOP BOTHERING THEM that I'm gonna say jeter is royal troll So Tell me what's so great about Star Wars hmm, I tell you what so great about anime. is |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-26 19:57:09 Comments: You tell 'em, Kate. You tell the world. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-26 08:46:49 Comments: Can you type in a readable way? Didn't think so... |
Name: Jeter |s Gay Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-26 02:30:33 Comments: CaN YoU StOp BoThErInG ThEm |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: The mark of Samael Time: 1999-10-25 21:05:02 Comments: Can't you guys just stop being gay? Just for a second? |
Name: The Great One Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Hell Time: 1999-10-24 07:45:09 Comments: KILL SAILOR MOON AND ALL OF HER LITTLE "FRIENDS"!!! One day soon, someone will get all you "moonies" and your precious Sailor Moon too... THEN WHAT WILL YOU DO HUH? ha ha ha |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-15 21:18:01 Comments: How come you guys just can't leave Jeter to have his own opinion? So, he doesn't like Anime and you do... drop it. It's like some people don't like religion - some do; some people like fish crackers - some don't. How come that is SUCH a big deal? Are you going to yell at someone and tell them to eat chicken nuggests just because they don't like them and you do? |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-15 15:48:09 Comments: What is so wonderful and great about Anime?? I grow tired of hearing about it. |
Name: Daniel Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Knoxville,Tn USA Time: 1999-10-15 07:25:57 Comments: Sailor Moon is fine for kids, but I made the mistake of watching it one night. Too much whining.... The show is the Anime equivalent of Barney. Get Gally ( Battle Angel Alita )or Kisaragi Honey to put her & her group away ! |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-12 02:26:53 Comments: ...yes... |
Name: Jim Website: No! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: My Own Private Hell! Time: 1999-10-09 23:34:53 Comments: (Cartmans Voice) The whole Sailor Moon show is a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap! They need to respect my authority! |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-09 15:59:34 Comments: Oh-ho, I'll pay, alright. *sarcasm* The Anti's will be avenged! I'm gonna get what's coming to me! Oh no! I'll say this once, you've accomplished nothing. If I were an Anti (do I have to repeat myself, If...I...Were...An...Anti), then I'd care about what these people were to think of me. All you've done is make an ass of yourself. Again. *ROTFLMAO* Yeah, you beat me alright. Especially when you take into consideration the cowardly things you've recently done and the fact that no-one is even taking the time to listen to you. (Mainly because you're so illiterate). |
Name: Jin Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-09 05:13:14 Comments: *prisy voice* But Jeter aka Annoyman. You just bothering the Antis You'll pay for that. But to you. I've accomplished bringging a once respected anti to the level where allmost no one like him. and who that is? So really you should've stayed retired back in May,now you have no dignety anymore.You could've kept your dignety by leaving me alone first off. But no you are the King of Jackasses. And Your are just accting your old enemy Widdaw,but only stupidier. So techimal I beat you,because I broght You,The Great Brave Lion Jeter to The Bitchy Weak Chicken Jeter |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-09 03:03:33 Comments: *prissy voice* Scott, don't stay mad. Let it go. Stop bothering people. *whines like an infant* And I thought you "were not coming here again"...heh... |
Name: Jin Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-09 02:56:13 Comments: told ya,he wouldn't leave the Antis alone. He's messed up. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 20:29:18 Comments: Response to gay message #1 Is that how you think these debates work? One second you talk about how "lonely your prick is", and another second, you start making some really weird-ass "point" and you expect me to listen and take you seriously. That shan't happen. Some things just can't be forced out of some people's minds, one of such being that they're not right and correct and just, which is more than your situation. Response to gay message #2 Cowardly is as cowardly does, no apologies will be accepted, and yes, I do feel I "kicked your ass" overall, but don't even tell me you were serious when you said that you ruined my life. You reminded me of a little splinter in my thumb, too small and queer-looking to be noticeable, so I just brush it off and laugh at it. |
Name: Jiaraiya99 Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 06:23:52 Comments: okay's a song "I'm sorry you had to kick my ass,You said I ruined your life" Okay so now I am overdue for an apoplogy,but It's becuase you got on my nerves and that's why I did all those thing agianst you. But at least I made easy for you. If you battle someone my age It won't would be that easy. I am not coming here again so don't reply to on this. BTW I am the 150 th person that sign this Don't I win a Prize heh heh heh. |
Name: Jiraiya99 Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 04:18:22 Comments: Seeing that what you do, You're the King of Stubborness. For God's Sake move on Leave Everyone that was involve your deconsturtion of your self-esteem.It's not too late to leave before you have or you just stay mad and bitter,until it eat you alive. and that go for everyone in the war. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 02:37:02 Comments: Like I said, I won't like or leave someone alone because they decide to agree with me all of the sudden. That's pretty stupid to do, more of an action you'd take. You won't get out of my line of fire no matter what little routes you take to try to squirm out of a mess you created. I'd like to take this moment to thank you for quite an amusing 'debate'. I've never won an easier argument in my life. And this keeps me preoccupied. Can't get bored when idiots are rampant. Trust me, son, I can do alot better than South Park. But quoting from a show made for immature, dim, perverted, profane, etc. people was something I thought you'd be more familiar with. |
Name: Jiraiya99 Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 00:59:31 Comments: I am agreeing with you. Dumb ass. Can you do better than copying from South Park |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 00:47:27 Comments: You go to hell. You go to hell and you die. |
Name: Jiraiya99 Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-05 00:01:07 Comments: I have to Agree with Jeter, If antis want to win this war, They better do more than just say "SAILOR MOON SUCKS" and edited pics 'n stuff. At this rate the antis would lose at any moment |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-04 02:12:30 Comments: Correct me if I'm wrong...*squints*...I can barely make out your writing...but did you just tell me to go watch an Anime? I shall not. It obviously bothers you when people are biased and/or don't like Anime, so that's that. I didn't like Anime before this moment either, so it's all good. |
Name: Jaetarins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 23:32:21 Comments: Just at least Watch one Like.....Lain so go to |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 23:29:11 Comments: The only half-way decent Anime are RPG games. All this other "I'll save the world from big monsters from outer space with big robots, bad voice-acting, and big swords!" Power Rangers clones are pretty sad. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 23:24:22 Comments: And you called ME unoriginal? You can't even fight without repeating what I say because you aren't bright enough to make up your own. Luckily for me, I don't even use Jeter anymore, and Teck is about dead as well. Nothing really compares to "the troll hunter" anyway......*lol*...ooh lordy... |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 22:00:31 Comments: But your name is the GAYEST SN ON EARTH. come on Jeter start accepting it. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 21:07:55 Comments: Heh. That doesn't stop it from sounding incredibly gay, son. And in the long run, you are far more piggish than I ever could aspire to be, but seeing as you can't accept the truth, might as well ignore that. |
Name: Jiraiya, Jeter Hunter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 19:07:13 Comments: Jeter is a pig. My SN means Child Of Thunder, Get a Japanese Dictionary ,you gay lord. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 18:54:13 Comments: "Jiraiya : The troll hunter"? My God, Scott, how much gayer can you get? Mind telling me what moonies i've been bothering as well? And also mind telling me why you're dumb enough to misspell "oops"? |
Name: Jiraiya,The Troll Hunter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 08:19:42 Comments: Opps I forgot He goes by Annoyman. But Please people quit your bashing |
Name: Jiraiya,The Troll Hunter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-03 08:18:40 Comments: But Really Jeter bothers AOA,the Anti Group and bothers the moonies. |
Name: Jeter Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-02 15:20:43 Comments: Time to say a few things... 1) Is it really that hard to understand? Flames accomplish nothing, whether on the anti or moonie side. What do they do? Get the flamee pissed off and even more determination in them. Saying "FUCK YOU U UGLY PEOPLES! ARRGH!!" will accomplish nothing. 2) No, I do not have any problems with people hating or loving Sailor Moon. That is a common misconception, but alot of people who know me are too blinded with stupid to tell the difference. What I do have problems with (nowadays) is people harrassing other people for how they view it. Anti Sailorism IS pretty notorious for that, even if they are flamed alot, they were never peacemakers. If Antis want to take the show off the air, they'll have to do alot more than just make a few sites saying it sucks. The Internet is filled with bad and unspeakable people, so the execs of Cartoon Network or anyone else have no reason to believe that you're all good and you're all working for a just cause against an evil show. 3)...Scott B. Smith and Lusiphur1 are going steady now. Go talk to them. |
Name: Jiraiya Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-10-02 04:35:14 Comments: Come on Pscyloke, You hate All anime?!?!. But Not all Anime is like SM. There's DB,. Saber Marrionette J, Teknoman and tons of others that most people will like so come on Give It Chance. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-09-27 23:06:14 Comments: Stephanie- Who "sucks" more, you or us? For one, we're not the ones going around writing immature little messages like yours in Sailor Moon fan guestbooks. How come you have the right to come here and do that just for the simple fact that you want to insult us. Obviously you didn't come here to check out the webpage... you came here to insult the defenders of the webpage in a guestbook. Now, tell me dearie, how does that make US the ones who suck? Also, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. We happen not to like Sailor Moon... you do, what more is there to say about that? Also, you don't even know what we look like so it's damn rude of you to say we're ugly. You could be considered "ugly" for all we knows... but we don't go around calling you that just because you don't like the shows we like -Kate P.S. Comments of any kind are welcome. |
Name: Stephanie Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: GEORGIA Time: 1999-09-26 23:42:12 Comments: Hello! Let me rub this in you ISM face, you Fatheaded ,DumbButt! Sailor Moon is The Best! YOU and you you're Dumb Fathead Ideas SUCK! SO LET JUST SAY THAT! YOU THE MOST UGLYEST PEOPLE I'VE EVER SEEN! THE MOST NASTYEST! aND YOU SUCK,SUCK,SUCK! SO THERE! |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-09-18 07:20:10 Comments: Oh yeah, I just realized "One Mad Sailor Mercury" said that it isn't that big of a deal. Well, if it isn't that big of a deal, why are you taking your time to come to these sites and chew the people out? Hmmm? What's the point of that... who's making the bigger fool out of themselves... the person of the site? Uh, I think not. |
Name: Kate Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-09-18 07:14:04 Comments: Uhm, and who are you to say fuck you to someone you don't even know. Also, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. You like Sailor Moon. The person of this page doesn't. Get over it and see the reality of it... not everyone likes the same things you do and you can't just lash out at them for that. That's just pathetic. |
Name: Can't tell Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-09-18 05:45:37 Comments: Hey I think your site rules! I too, hate sailor moon because i think it's fucked up. Oh and you so called MOONIES i got a message for you; FUCK YOU! Go get a fucking life you FAGGOT BITCHES! FUCK YOU MOONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Name: One mad Sailor Mercury! Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: nope Time: 1999-09-17 21:35:54 Comments: All I can say to you is: Fuck you. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU! Sailor Moon rocks! It is the best! Who are you to critisize it? You really suck. There's nothing wrong with Sailor Moon. And if you don't like it, tough. you don't need to make a page about it! It's not THAT big of a deal, no matter how much you hate it. I hope you go to hell. |
Name: dont want to tell you. Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: dont want to tell you Time: 1999-09-17 10:36:32 Comments: hi i like sailor moon but idont get mad if people dont like sailor moon. |
Name: Psylocke Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-09-13 22:54:34 Comments: How is it that people in the world have nothing better to do than watch some gay-a** anime cartoon about some ditzy high school girls running around in sailor outfits!!!!!! And one other thing, why do moonies even bother coming to this page?! So they can defend their sorry little show!? So a message from me to all those "moonies" out there YOU SUCK!!!!! SAILOR MOON SUCKS!!!!!! and all anime sucks for that matter! |
Name: Kate Website: *blink blink* Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-09-13 06:25:08 Comments: Okay, some of you fans are alittle too obsessed. Especially the ones making death threats, I mean... come on, is Sailor Moon really that important that you need to kill someone who doesn't like it? That's obsession at it's worst. Another thing, if you hate these Anti-Sailor Moon people soooo much... why are you on their pages? So you can rag on them and send hate mail... now THAT'S having no life. When you deliberately go to someone's page and sign their guestbook, filling it with hatred comments and death threats?! That's definitely showing you have no life whatsoever. I don't watch Sailor Moon. I never have... but I have watched many other Anime's and they're my favorite kind of movies, so don't go around calling me a conceeded American.... because I'm not. I'd rather live in Africa then the United States if the truth were known. Also... Sick my duck, eh? Well... that's cute, how come you just couldn't say the whole thing? Your message wasn't too kind... why did you have to put Sick my duck? That sounds like a command for a hunting dog. Cheerio. |
Name: Kimberley Website: I said none... Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: To you? Hell. Time: 1999-09-01 00:02:04 Comments: Hi. I'd just like to say that YOU BETTER TAKE THIS SITE OFF THE NET OR I'LL RIP OF YOUR HAND FIRST, SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS, AND THEN PULL OFF YOUR EARS, WHO CAN ALSO SHARE A PLACE ON YOUR ASS. SO NOW YOU CAN HEAR IT WHEN I KICK YOUR ASS, AND FEEL TWICE THE PAIN. K? |
Name: RianaX Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Tampa, Florida Time: 1999-08-30 23:59:24 Comments: To All This May Concern: Sailor Moon is a tv show. In my opinion, a poorly drawn, poorly portrayed tv with no redemming social value, but that is my opinion. Frankly, I do not give a damm about Sailor Moon, and I think that all those so-called Moonies need to get a life, and learn that saying" fuckyoupigmandiediedie" is not away to get your views across or endear yourself to others. Sailor Moon is a tv show, much like Power Rangers if not more pitiful. It *may* have its good points, but I fail to see or care about them. |
Name: Annie Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Portland Oregon Time: 1999-08-30 21:35:35 Comments: Geeeeeeeeeeeez all these people who make threats at you are tooo obsessed. I admit, I ordered a movie from Canada and have piles of Sailor Moon Merchandise. But I don't make death threats to people who don't like it. I mean, they all talk about "Why do you waste your time making hate crimes you !@##$%^&*^%! I think they are wasting THEIR time! Oh no! I guess you can e-mail me if you have to. |
Name: Jin Chen Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Michigan Time: 1999-08-27 03:00:09 Comments: your site rule, sailormoon suck I know it doesn't rhyme, but you can get the point |
Name: Alita Website: Liquid Silver Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: tiphares Time: 1999-08-23 03:19:23 Comments: *stares at all the moonies's remarks* jesus christ, people, can't you see the guy doesn't update anymore?! why're you even coming here...? *munches on popcorn* ah, the never-ending battle. i prefer to sit in the middle and laugh. ...hehehe... ![]() if you're a sailor-moon die-hard, there're 2 saturn pics here. that is all. |
Name: Pascale Website: Don't have one Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Why would you care? Time: 1999-08-13 21:41:54 Comments: Hi, Ummmm, have you noticed that most of the people that sign are MOONIES? You can't make me mad, HA!HA!HA! Because Sailor Moon RULES! Hear that? Sailor Moon RULES! And Sailor Moon has more friends than enemies,SO HA! ^_^ Sailor Moon RULES! You know I don't swear unlike some people I sort of don't know... Sailor Moon RULES! YOU SUCK.. MORE THAN SAILOR MOON!!!!!! So HA! *From your moral enemy who will fight you when the forces of the Planets gather and the lighting flashes and the TTTTHHUUNNNDDDDEERRR RRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****Pascale:A.K.A. Sailor Moon III**** P.S. I didn't know you liked SAILOR MOON that much!!! |
Name: EAT SH*T Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: SICK MY DUCK Time: 1999-08-10 01:10:12 Comments: Why the hell do you hate sailormoon and stuff bitch? I mean what does bean and cheese taco's have to do with the Revolutionary War Bitch? And another thing, How many roads does a man walk past, before you can call him a man bitch? That's it you really pissed off Billy now THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM BITCH! ARGHH MATIES! |
Name: EAT SH*T Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: SICK MY DUCK Time: 1999-08-10 01:10:09 Comments: Why the hell do you hate sailormoon and stuff bitch? I mean what does bean and cheese taco's have to do with the Revolutionary War Bitch? And another thing, How many roads does a man walk past, before you can call him a man bitch? That's it you really pissed off Billy now THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM BITCH! ARGHH MATIES! |
Name: EAT SH*T Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: SICK MY DUCK Time: 1999-08-10 01:08:03 Comments: Why the hell do you hate sailormoon and stuff bitch? I mean what does bean and cheese taco's have to do with the Revolutionary War Bitch? And another thing, How many roads does a man walk past, before you can call him a man bitch? That's it you really pissed off Billy now THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM BITCH! ARGHH MATIES! |
Name: Phuc Yu <---just pronounce it, and you'll eventually get it Website: mega hard core Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: away, you know, the place with the stuff and, uh, more stuff Time: 1999-08-10 00:55:12 Comments: i'm not much of a sailor moon enthusiast, nor do I have anything against it. So here arises the question of what the hell I'm doing here. The answer is simple: Allied biscuits. They're good for what ails ya. What the fuck does that mean? Nobody knows. But I'll tell ya one thing, when you stick your hand in a pile of goo, that was your best friend! There! that was it! What, you say? Forget it man! The man is coming!!! ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh There. I warned you. The evil pop-tart is now upon the hour of destruction. We must regulate the flow of the shitz! Or if you wanted a simpler answer to why I am here, well here it is: I got high on carpet cleaner and went crazy. Or I was just bored<----take your pick. Also I would like to give a shot-out to my girl/boyfriend/mother/poolman who also works down at the D.M.V.. |
Name: Sailor Moon Fanatic Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Earth Time: 1999-08-08 16:15:47 Comments: How the hell can u hate a kick ass show like sailor moon you goddamn hick! What are you??!!?? Sailor Moon is the greatest anime there is! If you're gonna' dis an anime, make fun of that soryy show Pokemon. Sailor Moon Forever! |
Name: FUCK YOU!!!!!!! Website: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement From: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time: 1999-08-07 23:25:19 Comments: FUCK YOU SHITTY ASS BASTARD! SAILOR MOON IS COOL! WHAT DO YOU DO ALL DAY SIT AROUND A |
Name: Why should I tell you?! Website: Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook From: PLANET EARTH Time: 1999-08-07 23:20:00 Comments: Whats your problem? Sailor moon is a TV show! You must be a TV nut or something! Sailor Moon is only on at 4:00 on cartoon network on weekdays. There plenty more stuff to watch, and theres plenty more stuff to do. Theres many shows I don't like but I don't go making anti web pages on them. This page is defentily a waste of time. What does it prove? If you don't like don't watch it. Plus you shouldn't be inside all day watching TV any ways. |
Name: Sean Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1999-08-02 07:29:06 Comments: Hey, Nice page.... Don't listen to most of these fags and sluts.... I think your site is cool. I hate sailor Moon, i don't get why a 12-18 wanna watch a show like that..... P.s if you get a free time on your hand email me.... |
Name: Rei Hino Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Somewhere normal Time: 1999-07-31 13:06:03 Comments: You people are fucking idiots! Go get a fucking life! If all ya can do is fucking bitch about a cartoon, I see you do any better!go fuck yourselves losers... get a damn life... you dickheads need a brain... dickheads.. hope you burn in hell |
Name: Mac Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: around Time: 1999-07-29 19:35:28 Comments: I like this show. But, my problem is inSailor Moon herself. Yeah, she's a ditz and a cry baby. But everyone loves her. I, on-the-other-hand don't. I love Ami. Sailor Mercury is the coolest. But everbody ignores her in favor of the "Pretter Scouts! That's unfair. Give Ami more respect, and I'll give Sailor Moon mine.--- Mac |
Name: moonie Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: canada ontario Time: 1999-07-29 03:09:15 Comments: i have no problem with people who dilike sailor moon but why try to take it off the air if you don't like it don't watch it but let the people who do like the show watch it well why put so much stuff in to some thing that just nothing to thou's who don't care one bit you hate it so much you can't stand it that don't think about don't watch it and don't give a damn about it. just say if you don't like it leave it for the people who do |
Name: hidunno Website: sfdsjfd Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: UR ANUS Time: 1999-07-29 02:08:01 Comments: We came here thinking, sailor beavis? huh? we listened to the theme song and we were like, cool! Then we read that story (or at least tried). ur story sucks! If your gonna dis SM at least try to do a little better then that. anyway, Sailor Moon rocks. In the name of UR ANUS, *pointing hand motions* you will be flushed down a toilet! |