Civilian Name: Jimmy Brown
Senshi/Villan Name: Big Head
Birthday: June 3, 1988
Home Planet: His head has it's own solar system
Current Residence: Wherever his head will fit
Likes: Cigarettes
Dislikes: Mr. Kolbe
Strengths: Having such a huge head
Weaknesses: Having such a huge head
Physical Description (detail!!!): He's a tall man with a big head.
Personality: Surprisingly enough, for a man with such a large head, he has no personality.
Goals/Dreams: To rule the world using his big head.
Allies: Cracklin, Shra, and Kolbe (when high himself)
History(very important): One day, little Jimmy Brown's head started to grow. Not by normal standards, mind you, but by huge headed standards!
Is your character good, evil or neutral? Explain why: Neutral, for his big head allows him to do no evil.
Henshin Phrase (if any): "I'm going to go smoke now!"
Henshin Item: A cigarette
Do you have any pics of your senshi/villan?: No. His head would never fit on the page.
Physical Description (once transformed): Same as when he's not transformed.
Weaknesses in battle: Nut busters
Any other interesting facts: His head pops up on radar!
~Writing Sample~
A dark, shadowy figure popped up from around the corner.
"Are you James Brown?" the figure asked.
"I have a big head!" replied James.
"Yes. I see," said the shadowy figure who now began to light a cigarette. "I've heard much about you."
"I have a big head!" said James.
"...I know..." said the man. "I need you to do a job for me. You see, my wife's a whore and I need her dead. Could you possibly...slam your head into her car while she's on her way to work? I'm sure a head of that size could crush anything."
"Sure," said James. And so he did.