Awards (both received and given)

Here's an award that I won from Sailor Callisto's Senshi Battle Zone oh so long ago. I am just so pleased with myself...All I did was disagree with them once, and now they say I can burn in hell. Good for me!

NOTE: For more on this story and others, please check the "Funny Antics" and "Happy Fun Hate Mail" pages!

Also, the ASMDA won a legit award from the AOA. Thanks, Guardian!

Here is our award that shows how we feel about Sailor Moon...
I think the picture explains what we mean. This award goes out to all Sailor Moon sites that are just stupid.

March 1999 = Sailor Callisto's Senshi Battle Zone
May 1999 = F.A.R.C.E.
May 1999 = SOS
May 1999 = Sailor Moon Universe

Also, here is an award that YOUR Anti site can receive from us.

You are now listening to The Tragic Prince from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.