FML taken from the old guestbook!
WARNING: Tasteless attempts at satire and humor below. If you're offended by my obviously absurd provocation, you deserve to be.


"Intelligent posts" such as this get "no response" from "me" other than "fuck off" you big "flaming" ball of "gay."

2. You have not rid the air of SM.

Yes, unfortunately the show still lingers like a fart in an elevator...everywhere but nowhere...however, the show is not on locally, so I really don't care if it's shown in Wyoming or Iowa or whatever pathetic phantom state you come from.

3. It's still shown on 2 or 3 channels,One example at 6:00 am.You cannot win.You cannot Stop us.

I don't have to. Your idiocy will be your downfall.

4. No girl out there thinks serena is a god.You are seriously disturbed.

Oh no? Allow me to tell you about a little place called the "Church of Serenity." While I don't think it is up anymore, it was a place that at one time gave instructions on proper "worshipping" grounds for Sailor Moon, and it also held rabbits and the color pink as sacred. Trust me...I'm not even fucked up enough to make this shit up.


Shameless Anti-Anti-Moonie plug RIGHT here.

6. I think you are extremely immature.

I think you're a horrible waste of space and a waste of a perfectly good sperm and egg cell. What's your point?

7. Please excuse yourself,redneck.

You're from, what, West Virginia or something...and I'm the redneck?

8. You can't win the war,and no one ever will.

I have won the war. I just like beating a dead horse.

9. Everyone has a right to their own opinion,But you have no right to insult us for liking sailor moon.

Okay, last time I checked, you came here to my site insulting me. As I recall, I've never been to your site (nor would I ever want to go to your site and insult such a low being as yourself), because I know I won't like it...just like you knew you wouldn't like mine before you even clicked the link to enter. Why would I waste time on the likes of you? For that matter, why are YOU wasting both your time and mine?

10. Who are you guys anyway?

As the title of the page states, we're the ASMDA. Duh.

11.Seems to me like your just a bunch of homophobic, so-called Christian bigots. The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and three hundred sixty-two admonishments to heterosexuals.

Let me're a homosexual. Well, let me inform you on something. Homosexuality is wrong. Not necessarily by my standards, and not just by my religion's standards. It violates something known as natural law. If homosexuality were natural, you could produce from the act. But you can't. Nature doesn't allow it. So all religions aside, that's the fact of life. It doesn't mean that homosexuals are bad people in and of themselves, of course, nor does it mean that they're not entitled to do what they feel is right and good and natural as long as it remains within the legal parameters of their home country, state, province, etc. I just don't agree with their lifestyle. I tolerate it; I don't subscribe to it. This is my right as an American, and socially, it's all that's asked of me.

12. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision. Your claim that God hates homosexuals is ridiculous.

Obviously hate is too strong a word, and you're right. They are people too. But I personally don't have to subscribe to their lifestyle choices. Again, it's called "tolerance" for a reason.

13. God said he loved all. Jesus encouraged peace. Homosexuals are people, you homophobes. Homosexuality even occurs in animals, there is nothing unnatural about it.

Ah yes, the animal argument. I've heard that numerous times, my dear. Just because animals do something doesn't make it natural. Animals eat their own shit. They'll even eat their own kind. Is that natural? No. It's not. So just because animals do it doesn't make it right or natural.

14. Makoto is not bisexual. I don't know where you got the notion. Makoto wants to be a bride.

Let's see...I do believe that when Haruka first introduced herself to Makato, Makato was enthralled with her (thinking she was a man). After it was revealed that she was a girl, Makato still wanted to "get it on" with her. Hence, bisexuality.

15. Rei is not Satanic, she's Shinto. Just because someone isn't Christian, doesn't make them Satanic.

No, but the use of magic does. Magic is expressly forbidden in the Christian Bible. Let me put it to you this way: There are 3 heavenly groups of beings you can talk to in the afterlife/supernatural: Angels, God, Saints/faithfully departed. You talk to them through prayer. There are 3 evil groups: Satan, demons, those humans now in Hell. You talk to them through other means, not through prayer. Magic is one of those means. Therefore, Rei gets all of her information not from God, but from demons. At least, from the Christian point of view, which is the point of view I choose to take for this exercise.

16. Usagi and Hotaru are not the false messiah or antichrist. (Plus I always thought they were the same thing) They are simply ying and yang, the power of creation and the power of destruction.

Normally, they are the same thing. But these are two different people, and they represent different things. Usagi, in th Japanese version of S, is often referred to as the Messiah. We of the Western religions know that Jesus is the true messiah, thereby making Usagi a *false* Messiah. Hotaru, on the other hand, is often referred to as the antichrist (mostly because, as you have said, Usagi and Hotaru are opposites). That is how they are two different ideas.

17. And please forgive me if I'm wrong, but if humanity isn't descended from Cain, who are the descended from? Abel died, and Adam and Eve never had anymore children.

False. Adam and Eve had a third child known as Seth. Cain was cast out into the land of Nod where, according to Vampire: The Masquerade, he met with Lillith and became the first vampire. Hebrew myth takes a somewhat different approach, and places Cain in the land of Nod with other non-Adamic tribes of prehistoric humans. Abel, of course, died.

18. So did we just appear out of thin air? Ha.

If by "thin air" you mean "Seth," then yes, yes we did. At least, according to Judeo-Christian tradition.

19. Just because you chase after lots of guys does NOT make you a whore. A whore is a prostitue, a woman that has sex with men for money. I don't recall Minako-chan ever doing that.

Fine. Then she's a slut. Better?

20. I have no ide why you stupid cocksuckers are still online.The "war" was won by us Sailor Moon fans a long time ago.We now have all three movies on DVD, and now we are getting the Sailor Moon S T.V series on DVD and eventually we will have the whole freakin' show on DVD.You have nothing left to say with this project of yours! Come talk to me at Anime Expo if you think of anything different to say!

Actually, you're wrong. See, the goal this whole time was to get Sailor Moon off the air and away from the general public. If you would be so kind as to check your local listings, Sailor Moon is no where to be found. Therefore, we won. It was never our intention to keep the public from privately viewing Sailor Moon. What you whack off to in your own home is purely your choice. However, the show is no longer polluting the minds of young girls into thinking that Serena is a god. Why am I still here? Well, to put it plainly, I'm just here to piss you people off. Judging by the amounts of guestbook entries since I last came here, I'm doing a good job. And what the hell is this about Anime Expo? First of all, I would never go anywhere near there without a firefighters outfit (all the flamers would burn me alive). Second, even if I did go, why would I search you out (unless I needed a blowjob, of course)? Just to argue with you about some stupid little girl's show? I have better things to do than waste my time with you.

21. It is extremely obvious that you idiots have seen nothing but the poorly dubbed DiC version of Sailor Moon.

If this were before Wednesday (5-2001), then I would have had to say you were correct. But you're not. I have seen the Japanese episodes and they are just as if not more annoying than the DiC dubs.

22. They are about 98778 million sites against Sailor Moon, but around 5 that are against Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon.

98,778 million, huh? That's pretty extensive. I trust this number was reached by your own experience? The Senshi suck, be they Japanese, American, French, Spanish, British, etc. etc. They still suck. Sorry, that's my opinion. Live with it.

23. And since you seem to fancy yourselves as the most intelligent beings on the planet Earth, may I correct one error.

So you think we're the most intelligent people on earth simply because we're smarter than you? I've got bad news for you, kid. If that's the way you see it, half of the population is filled with the most intelligent people on earth.

24. Since you use Senshi and Chibi Moon, call the characters by their Japanese names: Usagi, Mamoru, Chibi-Usa, Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Setsuna, Michiru, Haruka, Hotaru, Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki.

I would do that, You see, if I mix names, it gives it a more international feel. I am not discriminatory in my prejudice.

25. Mamoru is Tuxedo Kamen, not Tuxedo Mask. The villains of the first series are part of the Dark Kingdom, not the Negaverse.

Well, see, if I were a fan, I would care. But I'm not, and I don't. I'm not going to be anal about something I dislike greatly. That's just common sense, my friend...I suggest you try some.

26. Your whole Sailor Moon is Satanic thing is really idiotic.

If the truth is idiotic, then yes, yes it is.

27. They are only 2 homosexual couples in Sailor Moon, Haruka and Michiru and Kunzite and Zoisite.

Those are the only overtly homosexual characters on the show. You cannot deny, however, that others have homosexual tendencies. Characters like Rei, Lita, and Minako may not have come out of the closet yet, but they are sure as hell jiggling the handle pretty hard. And the point is moot, anyway. These characters are exploitative at best, and act as a honey trap for audience members who may be looking for acceptance somewhere, anywhere.

28. The whole thing about homosexuals being evil is idiotic.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a genius on our hands. No shit. It's meant to be extreme and idiotic. That's part of the satire. Homosexuals as a whole are no more evil than heterosexuals as a whole. Evil is to be taken on an individual basis. There are evil people all over the place, especially in extremism. Way to miss the joke.

29. Please forgive me if I'm wrong: wasn't the Bible written by a mortal?

The Bible, first of all, was not written by A mortal. It was written by many. Secondly, it was influenced by God Himself. The Bible is not a science book, but it does hold truths, one of which was that homosexuality is wrong, mmmkay? But, sure, let's throw you a bone. Let's take Thomas Acquinas's ideas of sin, since we're sticking with the Judeo-Christian themes here. Sin is defined by Thomas Acquinas, doctor of the Church and legitimate Saint, as "disordered nature." So when we do something that goes against our nature (that being loving humans who follow natural law since we're part of it), we are sinning. Okay, so...what happens if a person's nature is, by nature, disordered? What if homosexuality isn't a choice, but a condition set at the person's birth? If the person's nature is to do something contrary to natural law, wouldn't failing to follow one's "disordered" nature then become the sin, as the "natural" way of doing things becomes disordered to that specific person? Food for thought.

30. Hasn't the Bible been translated only six million times? It is extremely easy to make a mistake when translating.

If "six million" people made the mistake of mistranslating the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, then I guess you're right. But they didn't, because in all versions, even in the Latin version (translated when homosexuality was an accepted part of Roman life), those wicked denizens of the doomed cities got whacked by fire and brimstone (hence where we get the term "flamer" from). "If God is wrong, than I don't want to be right," says the pious Christian. Of course, this presumes that the text IS INDEED as originally written, and nefarious lengths weren't taken to abridge, edit, or otherwise mangle the original. But then we aren't talking about mistakes, are we?

31. It's obvious that you are intolerant, narrow-minded bigots.

It is obvious that you can blow me. Go figure.

32. I have one last question for you: God said he loved everyone: therefore why would He hate you and keep you out of heaven just because you are homosexual?

This presumes humans can truly map the ways of divinity, but from a Christian perspective, it's because it is a sin for which people do not repent and therefore HE does not banish them to hell, they banish themselves. We do have free will, you know. Gays could choose to not act on their urges, but they choose to flame on and do it anyway. That is why God supposedly dislikes them.

33. Some of you are painfully prejudiced.

That was a painfully Jewish comment. Sorry, I just had to make fun of Jews somehow. >=) I can though since I am one ethnically.

34. Homosexuals are human beings. thing you know, you'll be telling me that Native Americans and the Chinese are people, too. Crazy flamer, will you never learn?

That was a joke, by the way. No kidding they're human beings. Guess what else? They deserve respect and dignity as human beings. So do, arguably, all humans. Calling out behavior that's perceived as immoral isn't denial of the human status of a person.

35. They are homosexual animals, and the other animals treat them like equals.

Name one homosexual animal, Big Gay Al. Animals are stupid...they don't know any better. They have no intellect. Humans have the ability to choose and to know the difference between right and wrong. The penis does not go in the anus, and people know that. Gays just choose to ignore it and they do not make an honest effort to change. Therefore, their acts are perceived as "evil" or "immoral" by Christian standards. Those who have tried to change but couldn't at least made the effort, and from a Christian standpoint God probably accepts them for it. These people are the best proof that homosexuality isn't a choice, but rather a condition thrust upon a human at birth, not unlike skin color, height, hair color, etc. But until science proves definitively that homosexuality in ALL cases is not a choice but a condition, Christians will assume that most people are just fags, and they don't care they are fags. That is very bad, mmmkay?

36. Why can't humans do the same thing? In the scheme of things, sometimes the animals are more intelligent than humans ever will be: they don't judge things like religion, skin color, or sexuality.

In that case, why the fuck do you eat meat? If animals are better, then don't eat them. I'm willing to place money that you're not a vegetarian. Just stop eating everything having to do with animals. Oh, but you can't, can you? You'll probably just whine and say you've been programmed with the idea that animals are food, therefore you cannot stop. You are no better than anyone. You are quite intolerant yourself. Your flame here in my guestbook proves that.
Go fuck one of your fine furry friends, you fucking flamer. You're not wanted or welcome here or in this world, period.

But seriously, we could learn a lot from nature in general, not just animals. Pets definitely give unconditional love, and sure, they do set a good example for us that way. But make no mistake, the animal kingdom is brutal, too. While we don't see animal acts of cruelty or immorality due to the perceived lack of animals possessing the ability to reason in the way humans do, we still haven't mapped animal psychology. Also, don't forget that we're animals, too. The Bible isn't a science book. Evolution happened. We're animals. The human world is imperfect, but we come from imperfection. Keep that in mind.

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