To TirkiMan

They're dropping like flies...Bill Freeborn, aka TirkiMAN lost his life recently in an accident involving an eighteen-wheeler. They say that everything happens in threes, so I'm just wondering who the next person will be...

But, to tell you the truth, Bill was great. I didn't know him very well, but what I did know of him was good.

He was also a joker, which is why even right now people are debating whether or not his death is real. All I know is that I think he is, and I will miss him. It's never easy when someone dies.

For every person who remembers a man as great as Him, we make his life that much more important to the world.

Let his soul rest in peace and harmony, and let his name be remebered till the end of time.

Goodbye Tirkiman

-- White Night Tylor

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