If you are offended by this page, you are type number 4 or 5
This is the page we use to identify Sailor Moon fans. We can use
these to classify attacks on the ISM easilly, and can write their obsession
level near them on our SM Mail pages. Very ideal method invented
by Toad
1. "Regular Sailor Moon Watcher" - Likes to watch Sailor Moon. Will sometimes
mail an Anti-Page to say that they think it is funny. My Opinion of them:
They like the show. I hate it. I have nothing against them and sometimes
enjoy an e-mail that has substantial merit on how my page could improve.
2. "Moonie" - Really likes to watch Sailor Moon. Might make pages about
Sailor Moon. Sometimes will tape episodes if they aren't home to watch
them. Will sometimes mail an Anti-Page to say that they think it is funny.
My Opinion: I also made a page based on Sailor Moon. They like a show and
make a page on it. They have freedom of speech and I don't condemn them
for it.
3. "Slightly Obsessed Fan" - If they have internet capabilities, they will
make a Sailor Moon page. Will more than likely tape episode they will miss.
If they see an Anti-Moon site, they might mail a message that says they
disagree. My Opinion: Their mail range from interesting to anoying.
4. "Obsessed Fan" - Same as #3 however very vindictive. Will be very contradictory
in mail messages. Almost always threatening or profane. Takes attacks on
Sailor Moon very personally. My Opinion: These people need to GET A LIFE!
If I insulted them I wouldn't be surprised by their vicious e-mails but
I attacked a SHOW. The people that have basis to attack me are people who
made the show.
5. "Psychotic Fan" - Same as #4 but a whole lot scarier. They make Anti-Anti-Moon
sites. They put multiple angry messages in Anti-Moonies' guest books. Flames,
E-mail bombs, threats, nothing is too low. I've received DEATH THREATS
over this stupid show. Is it that important? They act like victims of Anti-Moon
sites but I have never heard of Anti-Moonies mailing threatening letters
to Moonies. (Pre-reply- I can assure any Moonie that I have received more
hate mail than you will ever get) Many times these people are racist against
Americans and attack American culture. My Opinion: I'm sick of their e-mails
and I think my definition of them clearly states my opinion of them.
If your number 3-5 on this list, visit the Lunacy
page to learn how you can break the addiction!