Batman v.s. the Sailor Scouts by Bane It was a dark night in Gothum city airport. A plain lands. In it contains four Japenese school girls. Under normal conditions this would be no big deal,but these girls where the Sailor Scouts. They had an evil agenda. Later in the Batcave Bruce Wayne was at the Batcomputer playing Drakes shoot Sailor Moon game. It was a slow night so far. Wayne thought he might finaly have a night to rest. Then Alfred came down. Well master Bruce the sighnal is out. Im on my way. As Wayne went in to put his cape and mask on he stoped being Bruce Wayne. He was now the Batman. In the Batmobile he drove to his usual meeting with Comissioner Gordon. Batman we have a major problem. Gordon hands Batman a file. Do you know what these are. Yes Gordon these are the pre made letters that members of the infamous terrorist group Save Our Sailors use to harrass television networks. Yes Batman if you would also notice that four Gothum television stations have been getting these. Well Gordon writing letters is not illiegal. That is not why I called Batman. Because they did not respound the Sailor scouts are attacking those four television stations Batman leaves while Gordan is still talking At the Chanel seven the Scout known as Sailor Mercurey had the television executive hostage where she was forcing him to put the show on. Millions of people are depending on our show. It brings joy and happiness to everybody. The tv executive however had different numbers. Look Sailor Mercurey Only a few thousand. people like the show. That is not enough to make the show worth it to advertise. You lie Sailor Moon brings joy to the world. You mean addiction. The Dark Knight had appeared out of no where. Batman you can't stop us because where bright and cheery and your dark and scarey. In the name of the Planet Mercurey I will punish you with my bubbles. Now Sailor Mercurey shoots here bubbles. He will never see me now. Little id she know that Batman had brought his night vision goggles. He could easily see her as he delivered a well place right hook that Subdued Sailor Mercurey. As the bubbles cleared Sailor Mercurey was gift wrapped for deportation. At chanell 22 Sailor Mars was threatening to torch the place when the Batman showed up. So it is you Batman . I sailor Mars will stun you with this. Sailor Mars was shocked when the Batman was not stunned. Look Mars it takes more than post it notes to stop me. Then see how you handle Mars fire Attack. As she used that Batman dodged her flames shocked by the Batmans parrying ability she decided to use her fighting skills. However Batman nailed her with a round house kick that left Mars knocked out. At channel twelve Sailor Jupitor now was doing damage to station equipment with her lightning attacks. You will comply and put our show on. If you don't I will wipe out all your equipment and beat up your kids. And the I will make you eat my Muffins. As Sailor Jupitor was talking Batman snuck up and tied her up with the batarang rope combination. That was to easy said the Batman At chanell four Sailor Moon was crying please put my show on. If you Dont I will cry. Then Sailor Moon did just that. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Just at that moment Batman appeared. Batman in the name of the moon I will punish you. Sailor Moon then used her head band attack. Batman just caught it and crushed it. Sailor Moon than ran and cried. Bat Man went on the chase. Sailor Moon got away. How did he stop my tiara. Where are my friends. Why we lost . But at least I got away. Then a dark shadow appears. Oh no how did you find me Batman? Please don't kill me Waaaaaaaaaaaah. Im not going to kill you. I made that vow long ago. We will deport you back to Tokyo. Then the Gothum city police deported the Sailor scouts back to Tokyo. The End