Double O: Hello and welcome to the Double O arena! It's me, Double O, telling you that tonight's battle is a real good one. But first let's meet our guests. Of course, the ref for the battle tonight is Sephiroth!

Sephiroth: And like always, I'm ready for some pain.

Double O: Right. And for the guest commentator we have Sephiroth's "best friend", Cloud Strife!

Cloud: *Cocks head and squints eye* Uhhh..... Yes, I'm Cloud.

Double O: Knock it off Jenova! Anyways, time to introduce the combatants.

Sorata from X/1999.

Sorata Arisugawa
Sailor Jupiter
second in the Lightning pair


Yuuto from X
Yuuto Kigai
Sailor Neptune

Second in the Water pair

Double O: This shall be a great fight.

Sephiroth: What? Two pretty boys and two rather attractive ladies? This should suck!

Sorata: Hey, shut up! I don't need any spheres to do this! *Fires a lightning bolt in the air*

Yuuto: Well, this should be rather interesting. These pretty ladies should provide some motivation.

Jupiter: I'm sorry, Michiru, but I will win

Neptune: Maybe in your fantasy world, Mako-chan.

Sephiroth: Shut up and fight or else you will be able to see what your intestines look like.

Double O: And the battle starts off... wait, what the hell? Sorata is casting a kekkai!

Cloud: *Bzzzzzt* Kekkai? What's a kekkai?

Double O: Well, it's not good for the viewers at home. None of the camera orbs can transmit through the kekkai, and since Sorata's covers a 1 KM square, we're SOL, since the press box is far enough away to just have the kekkai not reach us. The fighters and Sephiroth, however, will be stuck inside it untill it's either retracted, or untill Sorata dies.

Cloud: Ah. So, wanna drink?

Double O: Sure. Some sake would be great right now.

Cloud: Okay, and I'll get... wait, the kekkai is fading. Is that good?

Double O: No, not for Sorata. We'll just have to see... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ON SEPHIROTH'S BACK!!!

*A single black wing folds back into Sephiroth's back, as he wipes some blood off of his Masamune. The entire 1km square is covered in blood, and four charred skulls are seen in the middle*

Sephiroth: They broke the rules. I don't like it when people break the rules. *Eyes glow with mako energy*

Double O: Riiiight... anyways, the winner is...


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