Farleys Hate Page Saturday 09/07/2002 3:24:19am Name: JA E-Mail: ? Homepage Title: Google Homepage URL: http://? Referred By: Search Engine Location: Australia Comments: How dare you critisise Sailor Moon,you freak. Monday 04/08/2002 12:18:32am Name: Vasileos E-Mail: b_k_gr@hotmail.com Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Just Surfed In Location: Comments: It has been more than 3 years since I last signed on an Anti guestbook... Ahhh... I remeber how much fun I had with you Moonies! Its been great trashing you! Those are good memories! And now I will be the last one to EVER sign on this guestbook. Let it be known that your pityfull show is DEAD!!! Yes, it has stopped broadcasting for a very long time WE WON!!! SAILOR MOON IS NO MORE!!! HOORAY!!! So, there is no point in having these sites (most have closed after your enormous DEFEAT.) What do you have to say about this miss Neo Princess Eternal Sailor Mercury-chan BITCH? But I guess I shouldn't expect a reply. You've probably killed yourself from despair, along with the rest pathetic Moonies. AHAHAHAHAHAHA, the world is a much better place without the likes of you and Sailor Moon! P.S Thank you for reading friend whoever you are. Our mission has been a success. And now I have to say goodbye. HASTA LA VISTA BABY!!! Friday 12/07/2001 4:56:34pm Name: Me, the person... E-Mail: n/a Homepage Title: n/a Homepage URL: http://n/a Referred By: Web Ring Location: Somewhere, God knows, ask him... Comments: Great site, I hate everything you hate I guess... Especially Sailor Moon *gags* Later!! ;) Saturday 11/24/2001 2:19:15am Name: 666 E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: Referred By: Search Engine Location: Comments: such a waste of good web space, baka. And you said that SM is sad, well asshole your fucking sad. Saturday 07/21/2001 1:42:33pm Name: SSJ Heero E-Mail: same as below Homepage Title: same as below Homepage URL: http://same as below Referred By: Search Engine Location: same as below Comments: Oh yeah, Pretty Sammy wasn't meant to be a real show any way. It was only meant to parody and insult Sailor Moon... But I guess it ended up as a clone... Oh well...