Elements: South Park, and Sailor Moon
Hypothesis: Sailor moon, in a South Park enviroment
Opening (South Park) Theme Song:
Guy: Come down to Tokyo, and see if I can't unwind
Ami, and Leeda: Big eyed girls everywhere, not one japanese relation.
Guy: Come to down Japan, and see what I'll find.
Serena (with cartman's voice): Monsters attack here day and night, including Molly, and Melvin!
Guy: The only good moonies, are the ones that died.
Tuxedo Mask (tux collar covering mouth): Mpph, Mpph wiff beg viphhh Mpph, Mpph wiff beg tiphhh!!!
Guy: Come down to Tokyo, and meet some friends of mine...
*Serena awakes to find herself late for school.*
Serena (with cartman's voice): Oh sheeet, I'm late for school
*She waddles to the school yard, and runs past her friends, Ami, Leeda, Rea, and Mina. They are making a snowman, when they see her pass by.*
Ami: Why in the hell is Serena running to school? It's Saturday!!
Rea: You know....It's Serena, she's always a dumbass.
Mina: So are we going to find the Negaverse, or what?
Leeda: Nah, you know the Negaverse always finds us *patting down the snow man.*
Meanwhile in the depths of Darkness Queen Beryl plans to destory Sailor moon.
Queen Beryl (with Mr. Garison's voice): Well, that mean Mrs. Sailor Moon spoils my plans all the time. I have to come up with a new plan.....
*She holds up a puppet of Jedite*
Beryl: What do you think Mr. Jedite?
Jedite (Beryl): Any plan you come up with, is good enough for me, Queen Beryl.
Beryl: Okay then, I'll summon my army of evil.
*Slowly her army of evil, emerge from the shadows. Most of them South Park Characters like Chef, and the School Nurse (complete with dead fetus on her head)*
Beryl: Nephlite!! I have sent you out to destroy those Sailor girls, why haven't you done it already?
Nephlite: Well, I was going to, um-kay, but then the Moon girl shot that moon wand at me, um-kay, and then her friends shot fire and lightening um-kay. And I barely escaped, that moon girl and her friends must smoke Mari-Jawanna, cause they were all crazy. Mari-Jawanna's bad you shouldn't smoke Mari-Jawanna um-kay...
Beryl: Okay, I see... Well, we'll get our second chance.. right, Mr. Jedite?
Jedite (Beryl): Yes, Queen Beryl.
*A fat Serena waddles back to her friends*
Serena: Why you dumbasses didn't tell me school was closed?
Ami: You didn't ask us.
Rea: Yeah, and you're a dumbass.
Serena: Well, you're a bitch.
Mina: Don't call Rea a bitch!
Rea: Oh yeah.
Serena: Yeah, How about we sing Rea is a stupid bitch in D minor?
Mina: Serena, I told you not to call Rea a bitch!!
Serena: Whoa, ho!
*Clears her voice, while music starts*
Serena: Welllll, Rea is a bitch, a stupid bitch, the biggest bitch in the
whole wide world, she's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch, she's
a bitch to all the boys and girls.
*Leeda and Ami start clapping*
On Monday she's a bitch, on wednesday she's a bitch, on friday,
and saturday she's a bitch. Then on sunday, just to be different she's a
kinky, Shenshi bitchy stinky Bitcha!
Have you ever met my friend named Rea? She's the the biggest bitch in the
whole wide world, she's a stupid bitch she has a stupid head, she's a
bitchbitchbitch bitchbitchbitchbitchbitchbitchbitch cause she's
stupid Bitch!! My friend Rea is a Bitch, cause she's a stupid Bitch!
*Serena looks around, nobody's around. Everyone left..."
Serena(surprised): Well, (talking to no one) Screw you guys, I'm going home.
*The rest of sailor gang heads out to a foodstand in tokyo*
Chef: Hi childerns! Would you like some of my chocolate covered negaverse energy sappers?
Rea: Did you say Negaverse?
*Chef realizes his mistake*
Chef: Oh Fudge it!!
*morphs to his negaverse self*
Chef: I knew I should change the name of the candy!
*the sailors morph to their superpowers*
Sailors: We will punish you!!!
*Chef throws down a piece of chocolate, and it morphs into a monster, the shensi tremble in terror*
Chef: Gotta go!! *fades away*
Leeda: This looks like the end!!!
*just then a crystal rose hits the sidewalk, across the street it's Tuxedo Mask!!!!*
Tuxedo Mask: Mpphhh Hphhh Hhhmphh!!!
*Tux crosses crosses the street, just then a monster truck zooms by and smacks Tux, blood flings into the air!!!!*
Mercury: Oh my god! They killed Tuxedo Mask!
Rea: You Bastards!
*Chubby Serena waddles by, and sees what is happening. She morphs into her powers*
Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'm gonna kick you in the ass!!
*she bends over and fart blasts the monster, monster dies instantly.*
Sailor moon: oh boy I'm going home I'm tired
Mars: You would be, you fat ass!
*Sailor moon bends over and fart blasts the sailors*
Sailor moon: Screw you guys, I'm going home....