The ANTI-Sailor Moon Homepage!

The ANTI-Sailor Moon Homepage!

It's a logo, what more do ya want?!

Hello, and welcome to the ANTI-Sailor Moon homepage, run by Psycho Kirby and Xiarashibe! In case you're wondering, you pronouce Xiarashibe's name "Zar-oh-shee-bee". This is a little site we put together to go against the swarms of Sailor Moon (22,000 isn't swarms enough for you?!?!) pages out there. So, if you ever killed Sailor Moon on purpose in her video games, give yourself a pat on the back, friend. Don't send us any hate-mail because everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether you like it or not.

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Well... maybe... ^_^

The Worst Things About Sailor Moon

Our Homepages

Susan's FF7 and Megaman Homepage
Xar's Story
Dr. Cossack's Labs
Project ROLL

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