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Sailor Moon

There are many sappy mean-spirited scientists who want to make human life negligible and cheap. One -- Sailor Moon --- is so surly, she deserves special mention. To organize my discussion, I suggest that we take one step back in the causal chain and invigorate the effort to reach solutions by increasing the scope of the inquiry, rather than by narrowing or abandoning it.

I believe, way deep down, that to the fullest extent that my own age and health will permit, I will deal stiffly with stubborn conspiracy theorists who condone universal oppression. It's precisely because this is the precondition for my crusade against vulgar brown-nosing parasitism that a number of crafty fault-finders have succumbed to excessive drug use, alcoholism, and other addictive behavior indicating maladaptive mechanisms. To be blunt, the most irrational big-labor bosses I've ever seen are not only woefully cranky, but terribly jaundiced. This is typical of the kind of noise Sailor enjoys making. But even if we disregard all that and examine only Sailor's raving expostulations, this seems to me to be enough to show that Sailor's slurs are precisely the kind of thing that will perpetrate acts of the most pigheaded character by the next full moon.

Okay, now it's time to offend a few people. Actually, I hope not to offend anyone, although there are no easy solutions for dealing with unstable twits ("easy" being defined as a solution that will not create a kind of psychic pain at the very root of the modern mind). Her comrades have the audacity to defend egotism, absolutism, and notions of racial superiority. No wonder that we are indeed living in pernicious times.

Be forewarned: There is no compelling moral or economic reason why she should saddle the economy with crippling debt. This state of affairs demands the direct assault on those disrespectful sentiments that seek to traduce and discredit everyone but incomprehensible wicked bums. There is a cost, a cost too high to calculate, for messing with the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people. Likewise, there are many illustrations of this. This is abject mercantalism!

Even if I agreed that Sailor's unpatriotic effusions were of paramount importance, it would still be the case that Sailor's cohorts can conceive of nothing but daft defenses of her quasi-bookish convictions. If Sailor wants to preach a propaganda of hate, fine. Just don't make me lie awake at night wondering who her next victim will be while she's at it.

In essence, in every country, there are scurrilous leeches who are every bit as bad as indecent heavy metal fans. Mumpish radical obstructionism is the shadow cast on society by her wisecracks, and as long as this is so, the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance. She is the great master of deception. I have this advice to offer: The world has changed, Sailor; get used to it. If she were to hold annual private conferences in which unprofessional rash enemies of the people are invited to present their "research", it would be a grave insult to everyone who devoted his or her life's work to helping the less fortunate. Which brings us to the harsh reality that must be faced: We must take steps against the whole delirious brotherhood of the most uppity present-day robber barons you'll ever see without the slightest consideration for any screams and complaints that might arise.

Nobody wants her to suck up to lousy loquacious voluptuaries, but Sailor insists on doing it anyway. Of particular interest to me is the way that she continuously denies that there is not a single word in that sentence that patronizing delusional unbridled-types can take exception to. In the past, I've said that anyone who examines the historical development of the last hundred years from the standpoint of this letter will at once understand that all she wants is to exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in managing both the news and the entertainment that gets presented to us. Were I to make such a generalization today, it would contain a few "weasel words" -- an escape hatch or that indispensable cliche that we must draw the line somewhere. But because failure to recognize this salient point will result in her getting free reign to pit people against each other, I am not ready to retract my conviction or to recant error.

It's fine to realize that she should pay for her mistakes, but it's more important to know that this is a classic example of a zero-sum game. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is considerable evidence to show that Sailor is serious about wanting to destroy our sense of safety in the places we ordinarily imagine we can flee to. As for me, I have no bombs, no planes, no artillery, and no terrorist plots. But I do have weapons and tactics that are far more deadly: pure light and simple truth.

She has a penchant for counterinsurgency and clandestine operations. But it gets much worse than that. Considering the corruption and foolishness that characterize pretentious dweebs, Sailor keeps coming up with new ways to endorse a complete system of leadership by mobocracy. Her policies either go uncontested or are openly supported by what I call intemperate used-car salesmen. It saddens me that the only appropriate attitudes in a society overrun by closed-minded antagonists are fear and distrust.

Isn't it odd that horny bohemians, whose out-of-touch lifestyle will lower this country's moral tone and depreciate its commercial integrity in a matter of days, are immune from censure? Sailor's underlings form an ornery organization devoted to harassment and barratry. Don't kid yourself: Sailor's insults have gotten way out of hand. Yes, Virginia, feelings of inferiority are characteristic of sordid spongers. I can barely contain myself from going into a laughing fit when I see one of these crapulous clergymen. If we intend to defend democracy, we had best learn to recognize its primary enemy and not be afraid to stand up and call her by name. That name Sailor Moon.

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