I'm going to be honest: Angelberry1 is a mystery among the ASM scholars here at the Ring of Power. It was strangely unaffiliated, and yet existed during that fertile ASM pocket of the late 1990s (1997-1999 to be exact). The Guardian (of AOA fame) attempted to make contact via the guestbook, but received no reply--and then promptly forgot about it. Spoilt Candy as a site was only somewhat interested in how terrible Sailor Moon is, and thus flew under most everyone's radar--yet was paradoxically impactful enough to gain the attention of a German Moonie who called upon other Moonies on a foreign message board to harass ASM sites in the mid-2000s.
As you are about to see, the site is mostly intact; some of the pages are missing, but it's relatively few compared to some other sites we've seen. The problem is that the majority of Spoilt Candy (with or without missing pages) is dedicated to seemingly everything other than Anti-Sailor Moon. While the entire site has been replicated here in as complete a way as possible, we've taken the liberty of collecting the ASM-specific pages from the site and putting links to them here--just in case you want to cut through all the crap and get to the "good stuff." But for those who would like a more authentic late 90s web experience, that option has been made available here, too. So, really, this is less a "fragments" page and more a portal.
Spoilt Candy - Full Site