The New England RolePlaying Organization

This image is copy right of NERO


              The KEWLEST thing since LARP's, well NERO is a kinda larp,
    but more nicer. You see you get to dress up in kewl medival clothes,
    something i know alot of girls, and not to mention the boys, wanted to
    try, and adults, yes this is your game{i was referring to you}.Its a 
    place where you dress up and interact with other people who are there 
    to have fun like you. You are given a plot, you choose your own 
    character and you have fun acting and being VERY DRAMATIC! Yeah!!!
              But, there are rules, and a rule book. You can get that for
    $10 bucks, not including shipping and handling. Anyway,when you start
    to read the rule book, which i advise is a must, it'll be very confusi
    -ng. To make it simpler, read the parts your really interested in, 
    and then when you're finsished, start from front page to the end.
             Always works...for me...not sure for you...but try.
              Its a two nights three day event from Friday , starting at
    8pm to Sunday, 12pm.An event like that would cost, in advance, $45,and
    and at the gate, door, meadow?$65. There's also a membership thing but 
    you have to pay $20 more for that. You get coupons and newsletters
    along with many other kewl stuff.
              I RECOMMAND any drama students, actors and actress's to go
    for a weekend. And if you don'y like it in the end....write to me and
              I would like to thank the people who allowed me to use this
    NERO sign and the pictures below, they are theirs and not mine. And
    yes i know what i'm talking about. I went to a few of these events,
    and yes their fun....not, not telling.............
    .................fine...i was a damsel in freakin distress!...happi?
              ANYWAY GO GO GO!.....not GO GO GIRLS DAMMIT!!
                         ......... but NERO

This pic, i like this one very, vellie muchie.Because its called, "The Debates of the Gypsies", well that's what i call it...i think, anyway you see they dress in medival, gypsie costumes....and debate about things a few thousands of years ago?fine hundered...i love to case you haven't noticed!

And boys..yes girls and ladies out there,, men do go to these things, if only i could find that cute pic with this cute blond and a me all in the costume babie!Anyway, this is supposedly an army, posing for the crowd, or in our modern case, the camara!oooooo, betcha they didn't have those bad then.....duh!

Two guys, in another army, or part of the other side, perhaps asummingly good, wears kewl medival clothes...well not really...anyway they are...there...

I've Found the BLond Beaut!

Kay, Kay KAY!..hehehe...sound like the KKK's huh?anyway they are...not to offend both sides....i won't say a thing, anyway well..i time...well not really..hehehe write to me if you want me to talk about them. Anyway i'll find a cute girl and put her own for the boys...sexist, feminist...oh...anyway this is the guy, ooo his cblond hair and his..bod..olala...anyway there are lots and lots...of other charcters, body's and shapes and sizes and not everthings perfect, so...well i found him that's all i have to say...duh! what did you think i was going to say?

My Snazzy List of Links..Yeah..that's it...Snazzy..babie..yuck!

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The Spice Girls
What's wrong and what's not about them...
The original site of the New England Roleplaying game....hey!who said i was the original one?thanks to all who did...hehehe