Hello, and welcome to the UM E-Mail Registry. This is a place where you can see the names and e-mail addresses of who's been in contact with the United Minds. You can e-mail them or, if you haven't had your name and e-mail address put up here yet, e-mail Reilly Liebhard, Grand High Feish. We will put your name next to your e-mail address if you so wish; we can also call the whole thing off if you just want to get in contact with us at the main UM cyber-hacienda but don't want your name or e-mail address blurbed all over the page. MAKE SURE TO INFORM US IN YOUR EMAIL IF EITHER OF THESE APPLY TO YOU!

We here at the UM hope that the Registry will get you in contact with people of a similar mindset as yourself. We hope even further that you'll bump into someone from your immediate area and start a chapter of UM. If you start a chapter, e-mail Reilly, the FEISH mentioned above, and include the chapter nickname, location, and, if you want, a short paragraph about your group which we'll post on the UM CHAPTERS site. (We number the chapters as they appear, but the nicknames are logged as well.) If you put up a homepage for your UM chapter, let us know the URL and we'll transform that little bit of text into a nice little hotlink for you.



Reilly Liebhard     liebh001@tc.umn.edu
Matt Waters         pizzaofhut@geocities.com

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