Erin Liebhard
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The origins of UM go back to 1995 when Reilly Liebhart and his friends got together every lunch period to discuss problems in society. When I started going to Holy Angels the next year, we namely talked about political issues and the vices of our fellow teenagers. We called ourselves the Organization of Higher Life Forms, as we considered ourselves superior to our fellow teenagers. The following year, we realized the error of our ways, and dropped the superiority complex, and began recruting studends who wern't quite as academically advanced as the rest of us, and quit treating everyone who wasn't in our group like slime. Our popularity quickly rose, and many more people knew about us.
I will update this page further when I get the time. The begining of this school year was a dark day for UM, as we learned that our leader, the Bob Fish, was leaving Holy Angels. As a result now only the Hutts and those on the Knowledge Bowl team maintain contacts with him. That's about it for UM's history. To find out the nitty-gritty details (for those of you who even care) E-Mail The Fish.
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I deeply apologize, but I haven't recieved the first addition of the Hut Pizza Gazzete from the editor yet, however, I hope to have it soon. Check back often!.
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