Welcome to the International ISM (Ice Sailor Moon) Campaign Headquarters!
dedicated to the destruction of
the filthy, lowly, festering, piece of low quality Anime gutter trash.
Why? Because Sailor Moon is evil, that's right, E-V-I-L. It's subversive,
mind numbing, and detrimental to human existence. That's why we intend
to annihilate it from the face of the earth! We're not the bad guys, we're
crusaders on a holy mission, to stop an evil, demonic force.
This is the "home page" of all the ISM pages. Here you will find
links and information about the Newly updated ISM campaign, and how you
can join the movement
That's right! They were scraped right after christmas. The only playing
of Sailor Moon now is on a very few handful of local stations, which we
are talking with right now. Just in case your wondering, the show
was replaced with "Webster"
EGADS, a Sailor Moon Movie!!!
You heard it right. Disney is making a live action movie for Sailor
Moon. Just what we all need, right? My personal opinion is
it's Disney's fault if they want to lose all their money. And Disney
is known for making CHILDREN'S MOVIES as well. There is still no
word to when It will be released, and there is no word to if it will be
one of their feature movie attractions or their on video only movies.
It will be horrible if it ends up being in the movie, it will turn it into
an endorsement. Take example Beauty and the Beast. When it
was on movie, all the fast food chains and companies started promoting
the movie by making happy meals with Beauty and the Beast stuff, and doughnut
shops, hotels, soda companies all would promote the movie on their stuff.
Same thing with the newest movie, Flubber. The same sad thing could
happen to the Sailor Moon movie as well. That's why this is something
were keeping a close eye on. If you have any more info you have to
share, please contact me at the bottom.
SOS The SOS is just as evil as the show itself.
They have harassed Television Stations and Put a dent into our Television
system. Click on the flag below to learn more about their evil campaign.
This page has a link to EVERY Anti Sailor Moon page on the net.
And as always, show your support for the ISM and the Anti Sailor Moon movement
by making your own Anti Sailor Moon Page! Please stop by once and
a while, we have lots of new stuff coming up on this page!
The ISM Guest book
The ISM Guest book
Please don't abuse the guest book, or we will have to take it down, and
it doesn't really matter to us, this is your only chance to say what's
on your mind, and we waste our time maintaining it. So please, don't
abuse it and make it worse for others. Thank You
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Don't email flames to us, you spend more time creating them then
we do deleting them.