Ranma 1/2 is a anime for those who dont know. Ranma is a normal kid exept for one thing when he gets splashed with cold water he turns into a women. Samething with his father exept he turns into a panda. Whats worse is that his dad (the panda) wants him to marrie Akane. Akane's father fells the same way. Sou Tendo (akane's father) and Gema Soutome (Ranma's father) ingaged them to be married. In the first 3 epidsodes Kuno (Kuno is a person who hates Ranma and is in love with Akane, Akane and Ranma hate him) battles with Ranma. My fav. Charcter is Kuno. He is so funny when he uses really big words or when he challanges Ranma and always loes. He is one of the biggiest charcters in Ranma 1/2. Hes about the only one that fights with Ranma and doesnt turn into something else. He is one of Villons/Friends of Ranma. If you dont know what i mean see one of the movies.
Here Is Ranma
Here is Gema as panda and human.
Here is Ranma and kuno fighting.