/===About ISM International===\

Ice Sailor Moon International is an organization comprised of individuals (both anime fans and not) who, as you've probably guessed, don't like Sailor Moon. Our organization, formed in 1997, has in latter years existed as a sort of "reserve"--that is, our activities decline with the decline of the fandom and rise whenever the fandom becomes active again. Since Sailor Moon is experiencing a fandom resurgence, the stars are right for this organization to rise once again.

This particular area will serve multiple purposes. If you need to or would like to get in contact with any one of us, our email addresses are below—as is a staff listing. Likewise, you will find ISM International’s overall mission statements and goals here. If you would like to join ISM International as a member or would like your website to be a part of “The ISM Ring of Power,” please email us at icesailormoon@gmail.com.

------------Goals/Mission Statement ------------

1. To oppose and prevent the airing of Sailor Moon on American television. Really, no one should be subjected to a surprise Mooning whilst hopping channels in hopes of catching "Chopped" or "Pawn Stars".

2. To exercise every ASMer's right to speak out against crappy shows like Sailor Moon. First Amendment, baby. Welcome to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. If you don’t like it, you can kiss our collective ass.

3. To honor the ASMers of the past and to provide those of the future with a sense of history and direction. As Earth-2 Superman once said, "You can't know where you're going if you don't know where you've been." This incarnation of ISM International will be a place where all ASMers can go to reminisce or to learn about the great history of the ASM movement up to the present day.

------------Staff ------------

Names carry power.

It is with great pleasure that ISM International presents to all Sailor Moon fans their very own Legion of Doom (tm). The staff for this site is a veritable who's who of ASMers, each a veteran of the last great Moon War and each bringing something different to the table.

Kyle Drake - President

Our fearless leader, Kyle has been a part of the ASM movement since 1997, and has been involved with ISM International since its inception. He is so infamous that his name still carries weight and power in the Sailor Moon fan community. Don't believe me? Try going to an anime convention and mentioning his name at a Sailor Moon panel. I can guarantee that several people will threaten you with physical harm and at least one person will threaten your life (it's true, Ethan's tried it).

Ethan Crane - Vice-President, Bitchfinder General and Director of the ISM Defense Alliance

Ethan has been the most consistent ASMer in his dedication to eradicating Sailor Moon from the face of the earth. Formerly in charge of the Anti-Sailor Moon Defense Alliance (ASMDA), his site existed on the internet from 1998 until 2011 and sported a ton of content. In September 2011, the ASMDA closed its doors to make way for the new ISM--though its spirit lives on in the ISM Defense Alliance.

Kommander K. Kackle - Vice-Director of the ISM Defense Alliance

Kommander K. Kackle first appeared on the scene in 1997-1998, and immediately allied himself with the founder of ISM International, Kamen Rider Dragon. He then promptly disappeared until 2009, when he contacted Ethan Crane via email. It appears that Kackle did a stint in the military, fighting in Afghanistan and in Iraq. He has mentioned, though, that not even Islamic Jihadists are as rabid as Moonies. We are glad to have Kackle, a true American hero, on staff here at ISM International.

Insanity4me - Editor-in-Chief

She joined the movement in 1998 and is the former webmistress of the now-defunct Insanity4me's Anti Sailor Moon Page. Now a professional writer, she's offered to lend her support by making sure that everything written for the site comes across as semi-competent.

Guardian - Webmaster

Formerly associated with National Sailor Eradication (NSE) and leader of the Alliance of Antis (AOA), Guardian has offered his services in making ISM International's website all nice and pretty.

Tarantulus - ASM Archaeologist, Contributor

Tarantulus, like Kyle Drake, was associated with the first incarnation of ISM, but left the movement due to (what he felt were) conflicting moral beliefs. Well, we're glad that to report that he's gotten over his lapse in judgment and has offered to support ISM International with all of the unbridled energy that a devout Born Again Christian can muster! He’ll need that energy, because we’ve tossed him a shovel and sent him on a quest that spans the entirety of the internet to find the ruins of old ASM sites.

Dr. Toad Kinipio - ASM Historian, Contributor

We need someone to help us sort through all of the museum entries and such, so why not leave that task up to eminent scholar Dr. Toad Kinipio, the former head of Sailor Moon is Really Crappy (SMIRC)?

Whiddaw - Gopher, Contributor

Quite infamous in his own right, few can make a Moonie's blood boil--or, anyone's, really--like Whiddaw. EDITOR'S NOTE: He's especially aggravating from an editorial standpoint. Seriously, learn to type. And stop asking me for pictures of my ta-tas. It's flippin' creepy.
