![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | /===Guest Articles===\ How Sailor Moon Encourages Teenage Drug Use by Kyle Drake As originally posted on the AnimalJuice.net forums on 04/23/2004 Added to the ISM International Archives on 11/14/2011 I've been meaning to write about this for some time now, I just never got to it. There's a huge problem with American society, and it's drug use. Teenage boys and girls are getting hooked on dangerous drugs like marijuana faster than you can salute the flag, and nobody really seems to know why. Well, I've been doing some thinking, and when it really comes down to it the root of the problem is actually very obvious. What you need to do is see exactly what's happening to these kids to see exactly what's causing it. And the truth is, that it's not really the drug dealers, bad parenting, or the drugs themselves that is the root of the problem: It's evil influences brought to kids via liberal media. The biggest corruptor on television right now is Sailor Moon. That's right, Sailor Moon. You see, back in the 60s men were all using drugs, but after they figured out they were dangerous and addictive they quit using them. Women of the 60s weren't allowed to use drugs like men were because it was considered taboo. The Suffrage Movement, and Sailor Moon The two evil culprits of the drug movement are Womens rights and Sailor Moon, and I'll tell you why. You see, Sailor Moon is giving women the thought that they are able to save the world and be independent like men traditionally are. Also, Sailor Moon engages in activities like smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Women are fooled into thinking they can do this to like men, so they start being womens rights people. One of the ways women are trying to get the rights previously reserved to men is by engaging in behaviors that men used to do, such as drinking, gambling, smoking, and taking drugs. Whereas men have given them up because they know better, women are starting to get into them, and then they trick the men into using them so they can have sex with them, because womens-rights people are good at moving the control in a relationship from men to women. This is why it's fundamentally important that we stop women from watching Sailor Moon, because that makes them womens-rights advocates, which is leading to the breakdown of traditional family values and the increase of drug use. I don't care if you have to slap your daughters to make them stop watching Sailor Moon, it is critically important that you do. Then, and only then will we be free of the "decay of Rome" that we're seeing in modern society. Edit: To show the solidarity of our effort to stop drug use and end Sailor Moon corruption of our kids, please rate this thread a five. Last edited by vmalloc on 04-23-2004 at 04:44 PM ------------ Untitled Response to Drake's Post by FatuousSmile As originally posted on the AnimalJuice.net forums on 04/26/2004 Added to the ISM International Archives on 10/31/2011 I saw this thread go up and could not keep my silence, though in the years during my rehabilitation, I have been taught well to do so. You see, it is true that I, once, was a Sailor Moon fan. It began in the summer of my seventh grade year. I had recently moved to Florida, and in the mornings while I prepared myself for school, I would watch the show. I quickly became addicted, the way lithe boys who wear eyeliner become addicted to skagg- in an intense and virulent way. It was then that the evils of independence and behavior unbecoming a woman began to take root in me. It began with spending money, and not on niceties for my home or dresses, but for merchandise. I purchased a plastic moon scepter, believing I would be able to become strong and battle the forces of evil with it at my side. I purchased music CDs and dolls, as well as shitajiki and posters. My once docile and plainly decorated room became aslovenly den of individuality and foreign influence. Then came the forays into speaking aloud in public. I understand this may be difficult to read, but I beg you, reader, to stay with me, as my message is important and valid. In order to cure a disease you must first understand its contagions and symptoms. Spurred on by the overtly loud and freespoken nature of the characters on Sailor Moon, primarily Sailors Jupiter, Venus, and Mars, I to became loud and opinionated, as well as interested in boys and a know it all in class. I continued on trends such as these, becoming, in fact, talented at theater and public speaking, as well as a teacher's pet and a party girl. Then came the alcohol. I noticed in several episodes of Sailor Moon, characters would know their true loves by the bubbles and blurriness that surrounded them at given intrvals. I endeavored to scover how I would see this aura around my chosen man, and in the process learned about tequila. I found that by consuming four double shots of tequila within an hour, multiple people in a single evening would become surrounded by a hazy pink blur. But the bubbles were still missing. I complained to an older student my terrible woe, and he recommended to me an herb, smoked out of a glass bowl or a tightly rolled tube of thin paper, cannibus sativa. I discovered that by taking four deep inhallations off of these pipes or "pot" cigarettes, bubbles would indeed appear in addition to the pink hazy blur of the tequila. Suddenly, heightened experiences were made available to me. I was sure I was a true Sailor Scout, and took to creating my own costumes and squirreling them away in undecent places, such as knots of trees, underneath beds, and in boys' locker rooms. It was then, at the peak of my Senshi Revelry, that I decided to become elligible to vote. This, I would say- that is, the political activism coupled with the use of herbal mood alterers and 'mind expanders'- was at once my highest time, no pun intended, and in hindsight my rock bottom. Inspired by the final episode of Sailor Moon R, the second season, in which the two energy sucking aliens and their gigantic tree appear in Tokyo, and the insipid pleas to protect the earth from destruction....I voted Green party. It was then that my boyfriend at the time decided enough was enough. He began to make attempts to ween me off of Sailor Moon and, almost like a methedone shot, expose me to Tenchi Muyo and Fushigi Yugi. Neither worked, as I would crawl out of my window in the wee hours of the morning and walk to the seven year old girls' home down the street to watch her videos in her basement. So, eventually, he knocked me out with chloraform and tied me to a chair in his brother's house, and made me watch twelve hours of Fist of the North Star. This would be the beginning of a four week intensive, which my parents fully supported. During this time, I watched repeated showings of Wicked City, FoNS, DBZ, Speed Racer, and Macross: Do You Remember Love? These animes clearly showed women in their proper place- at the heels of men, regardless of their outward status, always underfoot and under control. I began to understand the importance of subservience and aquiesence, thank the Lord our God, and stopped wearing pants. My tale is not unique, I know. But it is vital that girls are exposed early to wholesome shows, not deviance like Sailor Moon. In college now, I see signs of the degredation of our culture and the future of our homes all around me, and just the other day, saw a Sailor Moon patch on a lesbian girl's backpack as she prepared to picket a corporation down the street from my dormatory that exploits those mindless spick farmers in Columbia to make coffee in mass quantities to be oversold in the states to young urban professional males and celebrities. |