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I'm the MartianFrog. King of Mars, COD member, webmaster, yada yada yada... Sure, There's someone using my name out there. But I have made 15 sites. And a whole bunch pf people have been asking for the address of the sites. So, here they are. And I know a few sent you out of the way to find them. So now it's easier. Bye bye. THIS PAGE IS NOT PART OF MY DOMAIN.
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Web Ring

MartianFrog - Personal WBS Home Page
The page describing me and my web alias (MartianFrog)
MartianFrog's Lair
My Stuff Page
MartianFrog's Domain
My Largest Site
Ultimate Frog Web Ring
My Web Ring's Homepage
Welcome to the Domain of... The MartianFrog
My First Site
My Brak Page
My Digimon Site
Are You Ready To DIGIMON?
Mars, My Homeplanet
A Site That Is Basically My Fun Page
My Counsel of Doom page
Includes lots of Beseen.com Stuff...
Froggers' Page
My own little extension of the Counsel of Doom.
My Godzilla Page
The Big G.
The Fabeled Lost Page of the MartianFrog
The Green Dove (Who Is He? Click Here To Find Out)
The C A T D O G ! ! !
The Martian Frog Award

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