All Fans Can Character Bash (AFCCB), much like !!!Blacklisted!!!, is a site that was put together by a Sailor Moon fan (Meeshysama, specifically) for the purpose of expressing her displeasure with certain characters in the show. While not strictly related to Anti Sailor Moon due to the creators' own fandom for the show, AFCCB and sites like it found themselves to be strange bedfellows with Anti Sailor Moon sites when facing the wrath of the unhinged Sailor Moon fandom at large. It was not uncommon during the late 1990s to see Moonies lob flames at the guestbooks of more sober-minded Sailor Moon fans who dared to criticize that beloved sacred cow of a show whilst reading supportive comments by ASM-ers who were often in the same boat. Such was the case with AFCCB. While we have an almost complete record of the Reichan300 website (presented here), we have only two pages of the actual AFCCB website--but not for the typical reason one might expect. While it is possible that these are indeed the only two pages that exist from that website, if any other pages did remain, they would be inaccessible because
A Note About the Layout
The original layout of the Anti-Shrine involved an intricate three-pane design: one frame above, one frame to the left side, and the window with the page itself in the middle. A screenshot illustrating this layout can be found here. Because the frame html was not among the elements able to be retrieved, this page will instead be used as a hub through which the relevant pages are linked below.
A Note About the Anti-Fanfic Archive
The original anti-fanfic page html could not be retrieved, so it is unknown how extensive that library may have been. The works presented here are what remain, though with an oddity: "The Slaying of Sailor Moon" by Madge N. Airy, a work that possibly was never featured publicly on the site, has been included as part of the archive. It was retrieved as a txt file, and an html file has been constructed in the style of the others for the sake of presentation.
A Note About Missing Pages
Though great pains have been taken to present this website in as complete an experience as possible, the "Links" page is currently missing and is thus not included in the listing below. The "Image Gallery," likewise absent from the listing below, presents a different problem in that the html is not missing, but each and every image file is--rendering any attempt to archive the gallery pointless.
Judgement by Nav
Sailor Park by Levin (the imp)
Sailor's Gate by Pizza of Hut
The Slaying of Sailor Moon by Madge N. Airy